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How often do you perform basic checks? - DP
Inspired by the Dundee cars thread, how often can you honestly say you check your car(s) over for defects or safety related problems?

I tend to check fluids, bulbs and have a cursory check of tyres at some point over a weekend on both cars, although I will admit I am not religious about this. With regard to brake pad material and the like, I just work on a "will it last to the next service?" basis when I'm servicing the car. If the pads or discs look even remotely like they will need attention before the next service time, they get replaced. I'm not proud to admit that I don't ever go under my cars between services unless there's a specific reason to. The odd glance underneath for puddles or stains, and a quick peer with the torch down the nether regions of the engine bay when I check the fluids. That's about it.

I am much more careful with the bike. Fluids, tyre pressures, chain tension and all lights checked before I ride it. But then I ride the bike less often, so it's not so time consuming.

What about everyone else?

How often do you perform basic checks? - Statistical outlier
Oil and fluids - every time I fill up, so about once a week / every 500 miles.
Tyres - maybe once a month, pressure and condition.
Brakes - cursory glance now and then, but there's loads of material left, so don't pay much attention.
Lights - not as often as I should.
How often do you perform basic checks? - mss1tw
More paranoid about engine faults than tyre/light faults. Not as often as I should...but I don't scrimp on parts like tyres so I don't worry too much.
How often do you perform basic checks? - Martin1981
1994 306 1.9TD:-

Oil- weekly, though it hasn't used a drop in over 5000 miles since its last change
Coolant- weekly, but haven't had to top up for some 3k and even then only about 1/4 pint
PAS fluid/brake fluid- weekly
Tyres- I try and aim for weekly
Lights- monthly
Brakes- weekly

How often do you perform basic checks? - David Horn
At the MOT.

... seriously, I do it before long journeys, so about once a month on all regards.
How often do you perform basic checks? - No FM2R

ABout every three months or so, unless its had a service in the meantime.


ummm, never have.

>>PAS fluid/brake fluid

Wouldn't know where to look, and anyway the car gets serviced from time to time.


As I walk past them, so quite often.


Via shop windows when I think about it.


Every time I use them.
How often do you perform basic checks? - No FM2R
And I do about 30,000 p.a. or thereabouts.
How often do you perform basic checks? - mike hannon
Tyres, levels, lights every week on both cars - levels more often if the bonnet happens to be open.
How often do you perform basic checks? - No FM2R
>>levels more often if the bonnet happens to be open.

I'm intrigued. My bonnet has to be opened on purpose and I've never found it with the bonnet just coincidentally open.
How often do you perform basic checks? - mike hannon
Sometimes I can't resist running a duster over the engine room...
Also, here in SW France, you need to keep an eye and ear open for mice moving into the air cleaner box etc!
How often do you perform basic checks? - SjB {P}
Coolant: A quick glance at the expansion bottle every time I wash the cars, so once a week or so.

Oil: Having established the usage regime (2k mpl for the 306 and zero for the V70), once a month or so. An exception are my high speed drives across Germany to the Czech Republic where I check the oil at the start of each day. It's (the V70) not used any yet, but I don't fancy the impact on my wallet of the oil pressure light coming on at warp speed with a cherry red turbo.

PAS fluid: Annual service

Visible leaks: A quick check every time I wash the cars, so once a week or so.

Tyres: Every time I wash the cars, so once a week or so, plus at the start of each day for high speed usage regime indicated above.

Lights: When the information display tells me one needs replacing.

Brakes: Annual service.

CV gaiters: Annual service.

Bodywork: Every time I wash the car, so once a week or so. There is no substitute in this regard for washing a car by hand if you care anything for it.

The "feel" of a familiar car, every slight nuance, clunk, change of pitch, or whatever: Without even realising, each time I drive it, and any change is investigated sooner not later. This approach has saved countless ££££s over the years and one potential breakdown.
How often do you perform basic checks? - No FM2R
You wash your cars every week or so ?????

That's scary.
How often do you perform basic checks? - SjB {P}
You wash your cars every week or so ?????
That's scary.

Not as scary as for the Hornet; that will at least get the bugs cleaned off every single time it's used.
It's my therapy you understand.

Oh, I forgot; the car wheels get the brake dust washed off as soon as it has visibly accumulated.
How often do you perform basic checks? - No FM2R
So that's what happens to your mind when you move out to the country is it ? I can understand cleaning a screen, but a whole car ? And weekly ? Couldn't you just drive fast through puddles more often ?
How often do you perform basic checks? - No FM2R
>>the Hornet

IRIC that was made by Wolsely and it was the Elf that was made by Riley ?
How often do you perform basic checks? - Victorbox
Oil & tyres etc - once a month ...... on pay day so I don't forget!
How often do you perform basic checks? - Mad Maxy
Checking tyres once a month just isn't good enough. Pressures vary a lot with weather/temperature, and there's also the need to check for damage.

Given that most people couldn't give a monkey's and generally neglect them, modern tyres are absolutely brilliant...
How often do you perform basic checks? - scotmech
I am retired after 27 years with a small garage ... I was asked regularly ... what should I do between services ... so I made up this list ...............

This should take no longer than 10 minutes ................

What should I do between services ?

On a regular basis (at least once a week) Check :

Oil level

Coolant level

Windscreen Washer Solvent level

Brake fluid level

Battery Fluid (If not sealed for life)

Check Tyre pressures including Spare

Wiper Blades (Front and Rear) and Washers

Get someone to help you check all of your lights :

Front - head ... Main and dip

Spot or Fog

Side Lamps

Indicators including Side Repeaters And Hazard

Rear Lamps


Fog lamps

Number Plate Lamps

Front and Rear Number plates


How often do you perform basic checks? - henry k
>>Check Windscreen Washer Solvent level

How? On my Sierra there was a rubber dip stick which was simple and effective.

It is just not possible on the Focus and I would have to make a dip stick for the Mondeo.
So check = top up every time?

There's progress for you! Oh it tells you when it is empty so thats all right then.
How often do you perform basic checks? - Sim-O
Twice - once when I buy it, once when I sell it.
Aim low, expect nothing & dont be disappointed
How often do you perform basic checks? - Robin Reliant

If we ever have a poll to find the forums motoring slag, you can rest assured that you will walk it. ;-)
How often do you perform basic checks? - No FM2R
Thank you Robin, so kind. 8-)

Seriously though, I am frequently amazed at the lengths that some people go to. Now that's up to them, its nto my place to say, but it nonetheless amazes me.

The local Tesco is about 2 miles from my house. A pub I enjoy is about 4 miles. My golfing buddie is about 2 miles. The train station is about 3 miles. I frequently drive the car to those places; it would never occur to me to consider whether or not the car is comfortable with that process - that's what it's for. If I want to move it around on the dirve, then I do so. Fancy having a car that you want 10 foot from where it is and then worrying about how that isn't possible without taking it for a 5 mile drive.

Ditto maintenance. I cannot imagine checking the PAS fluid or the oil weekly. If its that rubbish that a week is as long as I can expect either to reliably last unchecked, then that truly is a rubbish car -whether because of wear and trear or awful design - the car would have to go. And as for "[tyre] Pressures vary a lot with weather/temperature", no they don't. Or at least, not enough to matter.

And as for cleaning; I do nto wash the outside of my hosue, the drive, or my car. They are outside things, designed to be used outside. Why on earth I would spend any time at all, never mind once a week, washing it is beyond me.

If it gets that dirty, then that's what car washes are for. And so what if it gets little swirls in the paintwork - its a car, who cares ?

I know I go on about this from time to time, but really - its just a car. Its made of metal and its designed to be used outside. Its not a little teddy bear that needs a lot of cuddling.
How often do you perform basic checks? - oldgit
My mate has the new Mazda RX8 in which the manual says, specifically, that the engine should not be started unless you are going to drive some reasonable mileage afterwards - which means do not start it for manoeuvring purposes etc.

Seemingly this leads to undue engine wear with respect to the rotor tip material, I presume.
The whole engine, smoothness apart, seems a disaster anyway, as it is 'dirty' and uneconomical.
How often do you perform basic checks? - Victorbox
"Checking tyres once a month just isn't good enough"

I feel suitably chastised! Once a month is better than never which is par for the course for a company car.
How often do you perform basic checks? - cockle {P}
Quite interesting, this is what my company expects from every driver of every company vehicle on a daily basis.

HGV LCV CAR D = Daily walk-round Vehicle Check required by Driver

D D D Brake Pedal (firm when pressure applied, no excessive movement)
D D D Handbrake operates correctly (effective with no excessive movement)
D D D Steering (no excessive free play)
D D D Horn working and effective
D D D Windscreen Wipers and Washers working and effective
D D D Seat Belts in good condition and used
D D D Vehicle load safe, secure and vehicle not overloaded
D D D Current Road Fund Licence visible and valid
D D D Mirrors and Glass ? clean, effective and providing good visibility
D D D All Lights and reflectors working and effective (regardless of daylight)
D D D Number Plates ? clean and visible
D D D Body-work undamaged, no jagged metal ? Report ANY & ALL damage!
D D D Check for any evidence of Fuel, Oil or Hydraulic Oil Leaks
D D D Exhaust and silencer effective with no black smoke
D D D Tyre Pressures* & Wheel Fixings - daily VISUAL, *Check by Gauge when re-fuelling

R D D Vehicle Utilisation Record (Logsheet) completed daily for all vehicles used
A D D Amber Rotating Beacons working and effective
I D D Vehicle in safe, clean and tidy condition including Cab and Rear
L D Drivers Hours Record Book held and completed daily
E D O Licence disc visible and valid
R D Lifting Equipment Certificate valid
T T Trailer Service Label present and within date
T T Trailer marker/number plates ? correct, in place, clean, visible & secure
T T Trailer Tyre Pressures, Condition, Tread, Wear, Cuts & Wheel Fixings
T T Trailer Brake Hoses, Coupling Security, Electrical Connections, Lights

All drivers are allocated 10 minutes for the check and are expected to sign their log sheet on a daily basis to confirm the checks have been done.
Fluid checks are mandated additionally on a minimum weekly basis.

Of course that doesn't mean that it is complied with but woe betide any of our drivers stopped for any contravention of the above........
How often do you perform basic checks? - Dulwich Estate
I check nearly daily when new or newly aquired for around a week or two - it depends (well, tyres twice in that period, and washer fluid at the end of it, lights at the end of it). If all has been well over that first couple of weeks then after that it might be as often as I wash it ,which is maybe twice or at a push 3 times a year.

I'll take a look just before a scheduled service and AFTER it too! So that maybe makes 4 times a year. With 3 cars now - that's me getting out of the armchair about once a month at least - quite enough.

I'll walk around the car just before a longish journey just to be sure the wheels are still on it and more or less round and that's about it.
How often do you perform basic checks? - PhilW
Far be it from me to argue with FM2, because I know I will lose! However, there are differences between washing your house, windows, drive etc., and ensuring that your car is in SAFE working order, or at least ensuring that your car can perform its required function. I can live in my house with the curtains drawn but I need to check the washer fluid on my car so I can see out. I wash my car occasionally so that my lights will illuminate the road ahead and so that others can see me and my intentions (indicators), I check the brake fluid level so (I think) the brakes will work (a quick glance does it) in the same way that I occasionally bleed my radiators in the house so that the heating works properly, I wear a clean shirt and underwear, have a shower every day (whether I need one or not!) because I feel more comfortable and I hope that it gives the right impression to the people I work with and for. I iron my shirts, (they are only a bit of cloth and who cares if they have a few creases? why do I bother Ironing the back and sleeves when I wear a jacket all the time?) I have the feeling that if Mark was dealing, in his business or socially, with someone who didn't give a damn about his appearance, and wore filthy clothes, with various buttons missing and his fly unzipped, that he would be fairly dismissive of them.
And as for the contention that it is a crap car that needs its fluid levels checking, it's the same with zipping your flies - how could I forget to do that? Well, I have, that's why I try to remember to check each day! - just in case! Same with car - just in case! It's not a question of " If its that rubbish that a week is as long as I can expect either to reliably last unchecked, then that truly is a rubbish car " - it's "just in case"
By the way, I don't wash my car weekly, but I do check the washer bottle weekly because I hate being "blind", especially at this time of year, so while I do that I have a quick glance at dipstick, brake fluid level and radiator level - not had to top up any of those for years but I still do it. I do the same with my house - check it's still there before I unlock front door - just in case it has fallen down.
OK Mark, I know you will demolish this post in detail - or maybe you can't be bothered!
How often do you perform basic checks? - Mapmaker
>>And as for "[tyre] Pressures vary a lot with weather/temperature", no they don't.

And if they do, which they do, then that points out the large tolerance that is acceptable for tyre pressures.

How often do you perform basic checks? - jase1
All levels: once a week, although I'm not sure why I bother sometimes, as nothing ever seems to go down.

Tyres, brake pads: visual check at the same time as the fluid levels.

Screenwash: Refill every week on the Hyundai, not necessary on the Nissan as it has an indicator on the dash to tell me when the screenwash has run down.

It amazes me sometimes that many newer cars with lights and audio prompts for just about everything forget about the screenwash indicator. Very annoying.

But I have to admit that I've been neglecting things lately. I haven't washed the cars in six months now, and it's been 2 weeks since I bothered checking the cars. Must get back into the routine.
How often do you perform basic checks? - Bagpuss
I check oil, coolant, PAS fluid, brake fluid, washer fluid, all lights, tyre pressure and brake wear every time I drive the car.

How do I manage this?

I turn on the engine and an array of lights on the dashboard inform me that the car's computer systems have done all that for me.

Modern cars are great.
How often do you perform basic checks? - Dynamic Dave
Not as often as I used to. I now tend to let the check control system inform me that a bulb has blown or a fluid level somewhere is low.

Check tyre pressures every 4 to 6 weeks, or sooner if one or more looks like it could do with some air. Also give them a quick visual scan whilst I'm at it.
How often do you perform basic checks? - SjB {P}
Modern cars are great.

But that's like saying the temperature is 24 degrees Celsius because that's what a display is telling you.
Of course the display is only as accurate as the sensor feeding it and of the ability to process what is fed.
A display is just a display.

A friend had a Merc on which the oil sensor was broken.
How did he know?
One siezed engine thanks to no oil.
Outside warranty.

For some things - and this is one reason I wouldn't buy a modern Merc even if I liked them - I'll continue to trust my MK I eyeball, thanks.
How often do you perform basic checks? - M.M
I despair at folks who think a car looks after itself between yearly services. True example from this week of a family hatch bought over a year ago... MOT'd 6mths ago... but never serviced in that period... and nothing checked by driver.

I found...

No oil visible on dipstick and the bit that drained out was sludge. No coolant visible in header tank. Brake fluid below min and nearly black. Spark plugs near seized in and with gaps burned out 30% over spec. Air and pollen filters filty. Both front tyres worn well below legal limit. Three tyres set 5psi over the 30 all round they should be... and one rear at 11.5psi. Spare tyre in a seized on cradle at 10psi. Rear silencer with no hangers bumping between road and boot floor. One tail lamp out... one brake lamp out. Transmision oil only 60% full. Battery dry on all cells. Owner shrugs shoulders about overdue timing belt.

Otherwise it was fine!

How often do you perform basic checks? - PhilW
"I despair at folks who think a car looks after itself between yearly services.............Owner shrugs shoulders"
I wonder how much is due to ignorance and how much to "don't care"?
Passed a Xantia (this will ring a bell with you!) on crowded motorway the other week in our Xantia, my wife was driving. The other Xant was bouncing around like nobody's business, front speres completely gone. As we went past the driver looked at me and I made a hand signal to him - horizontal hand going forwards as it were and mouthed "new spheres" at him - he just looked (rather unsurprisingly!!) puzzled. But, with a little more knowledge, a quick trip to GSF, £30 and half an hour of his time, he could have had the smoothest of rides - and, more importantly, a SAFE car. Sometimes I think I should print out a big sign to hold up in my window as we go past Xants saying "Get your spheres replaced!!" To which most would answer, if they could "What are spheres????" or "Mind your own business - I can't be bothered"
How often do you perform basic checks? - M.M
Well some is wanton neglect Phil... but sometimes I think folks just don't know how good a well maintained older car can be... they seem to expect very little and that's what they get.

I'm just selling our 12yr old Xantia after 6+yrs of perfect motoring for our family needs. It's going for peanuts because it owes me little and I'm passing a couple of jobs onto the eventual new owner. But it drives like a £6000+ car as it has always been maintained to 100% standards. The folks that have ridden in it recently have been taken aback by the apparent low value vs its great drivability. Can't beat getting that bonnet up to keep them going!

Ha we have several humping Xantias about the Fens.. don't know how folks stand it. You are taking a chance with those gestures... perhaps get that sign made up?

You may be interested to know the Xantia has been with the good lady now for 2yrs while I've had different motoring needs. She has just replaced it with a 1.9TD Xsara Exclusive which still has that balance of solid build/rust resistance yet easily maintained running gear.


How often do you perform basic checks? - PhilW
"I'm just selling our 12yr old Xantia "
There will be someone on
who will snap that up! I would be tempted myself, but wife's W reg HDi Excusive is going well and I bought a new Berlingo (interest free credit and £1500 cashback!!) a few months ago.
I just wish they had continued to update the Xantia - still looks good in my eyes - far better than C5.
Missus fancies a C6 but I don't think she has a clue how much they cost! ("It's only a car surely they can't cost more than £10,000!!!")
Exclusive model Cits (like Xant, if you can find one, and your Xsara) are brilliant value second hand.
Best wishes

How often do you perform basic checks? - mss1tw
I check...PAS fluid

What car is this?
How often do you perform basic checks? - henry k
I check oil......every time I drive the car.
How do I manage this?
I turn on the engine and an array of lights on the dashboard inform me that the car's computer systems have done all that for me.
Modern cars are great.

I had, on hire, a Scenic with this great system.
The oil warning light and a "SERVICE" message lit up every time I started it and stayed on until I next switched the engine off.
The oil level was about half way between the dipstick markers. I had to park on a slope every night and found the system a pain every morning..
How often do you perform basic checks? - Big John

I should be saying every week,


In the winter I must admit to waiting for a warning light(usually washer bottle). My Skoda seems to have warning lights for everything(including oil level) which don't reset until you open the bonnet.

I'm slightly better in the summer as I check everything before continental trips.

How often do you perform basic checks? - Altea Ego
I check nothing*. I know one of the lights will be out, it varies and moves around the car, but one will be temporarily configured out by the lighting computer and there is no way I am chasing it round the car. Everything else has warning lights or can wait till the next service. The washer bottle gets filled up when it stops coming out when you press the button.

*except the front tyres. They are on 3mm so they get depth checked every two weeks as they could cost me three points *each*.

It last got washed before the drought order. if the rain does not wash it off it stays on.
TourVanMan TM < Ex RF >
How often do you perform basic checks? - PhilW
"The washer bottle gets filled up when it stops coming out when you press the button. "

And with my luck that happens 3 minutes into a night time 4 hour journey on salted muddy roads behind a load of 40 tonners chucking filth at the windscreen.
So I reckon the 20 seconds it takes to check the washer baottle and top it up is time well spent. (And a hell of a lot cheaper and less time consuming than the £5.99 I would have to spend for 4 litres of inferior "ready mix" washer fluid I would have to buy at the next garage I passed). It also means that I can see through the windscreen - always helpful when driving, I find.

"It last got washed before the drought order. if the rain does not wash it off it stays on."
That should be as helpful as the car I followed tonight whose rear lights and indicators were virtually obscured by the muck on the back of his car. Really responsible car care.
Why so particular about the tyres? Chances of you getting nicked are virtually nil - why not wait til you go straight on on a bend you were anticipating going round?
Why this pride by various people on here in having a filthy unroadworthy vehicle? And having a filthy screen and invisible lights and undecipherable number plate (plenty around at the moment) does make it unroadworthy - and adds a lot to the stress of driving if you can't see or be seen properly.

You remind me of a bloke shared a house with when a student - in 3 years he never washed the jeans he wore continuously - he was very proud of the fact - he still looked carp and stank though - and was probably not safe to be around.
Rant over
Best wishes

How often do you perform basic checks? - L'escargot
Once a week I check tyre pressures, oil, coolant, brake and PAS fluid, and top up the washer bottle. I visually check the depth of tyre tread occasionally and I measure it when it starts to look like it's getting low. I check brake pads only very occasionally and generally leave it to my dealer to advise me.
How often do you perform basic checks? - Big Bad Dave
Generally detest ever having to open the bonnet but I seem to be going through a lot of screen wash at the moment, a squirt per mile.

However it will be getting serviced soon to prep it for the -30s it will have to endure in Jan/Feb