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Is it possible to use nitrogen to inflate tyres?
Is it possible to buy a small pressurised container of Nitrogen to top-up Nitrogen inflated tyres? I can get this done at my local ATS depot, but would consider buying a Nitrogen supply for emergency use.
Asked on 25 February 2025 by William Read

It would be possible to buy a cylinder of nitrogen so you can fill your tyres at home, although it would not be cheap - expect to pay around £40 for 10 litres. It is also arguable whether there would be any significant benefits in doing so - the air in the atmosphere is 78% nitrogen in any case, and while nitrogen reduces the chances of corrosion due to a lack of moisture and reduces the rate of any potential pressure losses, it offers little or no dynamic benefits in how the vehicle drives in normal conditions.
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Gay-Lussac's law of gases put simply is - in a given volume of gas (e.g in a tyre) the pressure is in direct proportion to the temperature. So as temperature increases so pressure increases and vice versa.