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getting rid of a SORN car - penguin
I did a sorn earlier this year on my car and I have now decided its time for it to go. Obviously its not taxed or insured and the mot ran out last month. I know someone who wants to take it but I don't know what to do. Does it haved to be towed and how do I go on about the paperwork?
getting rid of a SORN car - horse
You'd have to check with the DVLA. If the car has a MOT and you give the individual the V5 he can drive it un taxed for a max of 2 weeks. However, you'd have to inform the DVLA in the change of ownership and request the SORN to be taken off. I'm pretty sure that when a car is SORN you have to send the V5 to the DVLA though.

With it not being taxed or MOT'd you'd probably have to get it towed. Some garages will collect the car and then MOT it for you.
getting rid of a SORN car - Cliff Pope
I think the procedure is the same as if selling a taxed car - ie you and the buyer complete the relevant bits and then you send the form off to the DVLA.
At that stage the car is still on your property. What the buyer does with it is his affair. He has to pretty quickly either SORN it at his own address or else tax it. He can tow it away - I think strictly speaking either the front or may be all wheels must be off the road - or else insure it and drive it to a pre-arranged MOT.

Remember that SORN, unlike tax, immediately lapses once the car is sold, and is not transferable.
You need to have a provable record of the date of sale, in case the buyer fails to tax or SORN the car.
getting rid of a SORN car - Galaxy
I doubt if it can be towed on public roads as this would mean it would have to be taxed.

Transporting is probably the only completely legal way.
getting rid of a SORN car - local yokel
The buyer might be advised to book it an MoT test for the day he collects it, close to home. He can legally drive to the MoT test station without tax or MoT (but needs insurance). If the car passes, fine, if not then I'm less sure that he can then drive it home, however, he would then know what needed doing, and could instruct the centre to make the required repairs for a pass.

I'm not sure if this facility has been tested in court - it might be seen to be taking the michael if the buyer drove the car 200 miles to get to a pre-booked Mot test.
getting rid of a SORN car - local yokel
However, once the V5 is signed and the transfer of ownership is made, the new owner is entirely responsible for staying within the law, and the seller has no statutory duty to ensure that the buyer does so.
getting rid of a SORN car - Pugugly {P}
Yokel's got it. I wouldn't worry once you've transferred ownership.
getting rid of a SORN car - thomp1983
as it goes ive just driven a car back from inverness to a prebooked mot in swindon that had no tax or test, rang the police before hand and they said it was absolutly fine as long as if required i could provide written evidence of the booked mot.

on another note, if a cars tax ran out lets say at the end of june, does the sorn need to be completed before the tax has expired or as soon as it does or is there some sort of leway?

getting rid of a SORN car - meeper
I think there is a 14 day leeway. As long as the car does not go on the road, you have 14 days after the expiration of the tax by which time you must either SORN it or re-tax.

There is a recorded message if you call the DVLA that goes through this stuff, I had to call it about a week back and I think the above is what it said.

getting rid of a SORN car - thomp1983
just to confirm meeper is correct you have 14 days from the date of expiry. have just used the online bit at dvla to declare sorn for it must say quite impressed.

getting rid of a SORN car - penguin
Thanks all, the tax ran out in February and I declared a sorn on it then, mot ran out in May. So if he books it in for an mot before he collects it, thats ok? as long as he has insurance?
getting rid of a SORN car - thomp1983
yep just has to be insured and on his way to a prebooked mot test. make sure he gets the garage it's supposedly going to tomake a record in the book
