track and drag car - pizzaboy
need a good relaiable car ..for track and drag days...
must be fast...preferably RWD OR 4WD...dont want to spend a fortune...max £2000...please help
track and drag car - AlastairW
Nissan 200SX?
track and drag car - richy
Do you need an MOT on car at santa pod 'run what ya brung' days?
track and drag car - Altea Ego
Depends if you brung it on a trailer or not.
TourVanMan TM < Ex RF >
track and drag car - Dynamic Dave
Do you need an MOT on car at santa pod 'run what ya brung' days?

No mention of it on their website:-
track and drag car - keo-the-dog
No Mot required, but they might check it over ie it has to be safe...ish . i know a few lads who do drag racing and they regularly take cars and bikes which are not road legal. usually for testing new kit or set-up ...cheers...keo.
track and drag car - richy
Thanks for clearing that up guys, like you said there was'nt any mention of on the site. How far does the scrutineering go at these events? Should things be ok as long as the car looks resonable, or would they look at things like brakes, structural rust etc... obviously they would'nt want anything leaking fluids all over the place.
track and drag car - TimOrridge
How much does it cost to take your car on one of these tracks?
track and drag car - Dynamic Dave
How much does it cost to take your car on one of these tracks?

Using the link I posted above, the price for Santapod is:-

I would imagine most other track websites also list their prices as well.