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Delivery Charges - Truckersunite
Why in this day and age do we still have to pay circa £400 to have a new car delivered to the dealer?

The last time I purchased a new car (about 8 years ago) I refused to pay it and told them I would collect the car myself rather then pay their charges, We eventually came to an agreement which meant that I basically got the delivery charge off. But why do dealers charge such a high price? I can not think of any other product where you have to pay such a charge, even white goods you have the option of collecting, yet with cars you can not? Why?
Delivery Charges - Blue {P}

I don't recall charging anyone for delivery to the dealership, it was probably factored into the selling price of the car, but I never saw any mention of it on any invoices, not even the internal ones that we never let customers see.

Delivery Charges - Aprilia
"Delivery charge" is not a real charge, its just a bit extra that they slap on the price to pull in some extra profit.

Another example of this I've encountered twice recently...

Wanted to buy a new Philips TV. Found a good deal on a website, but wanted to collect the set myself to avoid the £30 delivery. Was told that if I collected the set I would have to pay a £10 'administration charge'.

Needed to buy a towbar. Found a company on Ebay that sell them at a good price - and its only 7 miles from me. Ring them up and tell them I will come over and collect at the price quoted on Ebay - told that if I collect in person there will be a £5 'packing and administration' charge.....
Delivery Charges - blue_haddock
why do they charge so much for delivery? Because the manufacturer charges us to deliver it so we simply pass that cost onto the customer.

It is not calculated on how far the delivery is - we all get charged the same regardless of location. I work for a Toyota dealer 3 miles away from the Burnaston factory and we get charged the same to bring an avensis down the road as we do to bring a celica in from Japan

All goods have some form of delivery charged atached to them but it is usually built into the price. Due to their size and damagable nature the cost of transporting cars isn't cheap - especially when they could be coming from the other side of the world.
Delivery Charges - machika
It is not calculated on how far the delivery is -
we all get charged the same regardless of location. I work
for a Toyota dealer 3 miles away from the Burnaston factory
and we get charged the same to bring an avensis down
the road as we do to bring a celica in from

Do you work at the Toyota dealership in Derby? I tried to get a test drive in a Yaris auto some time ago and I am still waiting for the offer!
Delivery Charges - blue_haddock
No - Burton.

They would not have an actual demonstrator Yaris Auto so they would need to get on off the rental department for you to try and that can take some time and negotiation which will be low down on the salesmans priority list
Delivery Charges - machika
No - Burton.
They would not have an actual demonstrator Yaris Auto so they
would need to get on off the rental department for you
to try and that can take some time and negotiation which
will be low down on the salesmans priority list


I would imagine it has disappeared off the salesman's list by now.
Delivery Charges - Truckersunite
So why not build it into the price completly!!! At the moment the dealers operate an oligopoly with the delivery charges, so the consumer has little choice. At least with other goods you can look around and find the goods elsewhere without delivery charges.

This is one of the reasons I would never buy a new car again.
Delivery Charges - blue_haddock
At the end of the day wether it is built into the cost of the car like appears to be the case with Blue or if it is shown as a seperate charge on the invoice does it really matter as the cost will be the same either way.

Or why don't you buy a Merc as you can collect that from their factory in Germany and have the handover done there - it will save you the delivery charge but you'll have to pay to get yourself there then also to bring the car back via the ferry/eurotunnel
Delivery Charges - Blue {P}
Blue_Haddock, I'm taking it from that then that you show the delivery charge on the invoice, very brave, I reckon that's just giving the customer another opportunity to moan about the price.

Lots of mine would moan about metallic paint charges, never mind if I whacked a delivery charge on there, but then I suppose I did mostly sell Fiesta Finesse's and people were working on a budget. (RIP, it's been replaced with the overpriced and under-specced Studio, stand back and watch the sales plummet!)

Delivery Charges - blue_haddock
I've never had a problem with the delivery charge - all most people are concerned with is the bottom line price and as long as that is the same as they were quoted they don't care about the breakdown of the invoice. Our invoice also shows the cost of number plates and again i've never encountered a problem with this.
Delivery Charges - Armitage Shanks {p}
If you buy a Merc you can get a train to the factory, if it is Germany not South Africa or USA, collect you car with a full tank of fuel and a cross channel ferry or Eurostar back to UK for the stated cost of delivering the car to a UK dealership. I collected a few from Stuttgart and it was a good day out; trip round the factory, good restaurant and a very comprehensive briefing on the car you were collecting. Recommended
Delivery Charges - Cardew
If you buy a Merc you can get a train to
the factory, if it is Germany not South Africa or USA,
collect you car with a full tank of fuel and a
cross channel ferry or Eurostar back to UK for the stated
cost of delivering the car to a UK dealership. I
collected a few from Stuttgart and it was a good day
out; trip round the factory, good restaurant and a very comprehensive
briefing on the car you were collecting. Recommended

I did this several times. The overnight trains from Northern Germany/Holland/Belgium are met by a large Mercedes factory bus(or two) as there are so many who collect their cars from the factory.
Delivery Charges - stackman
Don't tell anyone I told you but the transporter company probably charges the manufacturer between £40 and £100 per car for delivery.

However the car may also have been transported from the factory or docks to a storage facilty/distribution centre which is another movement to be factored in.

The delivery charge is usually included in the "on the road" costs along with pre delivery inspection, Road fund licence and a quantity of fuel.
Delivery Charges - patently
Someone please tell me the difference between buying a new car and paying:

(a) £12,000 for the car, £400 for delivery, and £45 fuel

(b) £12,445 for a new car, with a full fuel tank and "special offer of free delivery".

(c) £11,000 for the car, £400 for delivery, £45 fuel and a special £1,000 surcharge because the salesman hates you.

It's just a question of presentation. There is no significance in how the final figure is arrived at, only in the figure itself. And if you don't think the car is worth the total figure, don't buy it!
Delivery Charges - blue_haddock
thats what i've been trying to say!

As long as the price you were quoted is the price you pay does it matter how you get there?
Delivery Charges - ihpj
As long as the price you were quoted is the price
you pay does it matter how you get there?

Yes it does since as a Consumer you want to pay the bare minimum. Though if once you've agreed a price then it should be fixed and nother surcharges or charges should be added since it is the final price agreed.

Im not plain stupid, just a special kind of stoopid.
Delivery Charges - patently
Though if once you've agreed a price
then it should be fixed and nother surcharges or charges should
be added since it is the final price agreed.

Therefore it is a question of understanding what is the final price. No car salesman has ever hidden a cost from me; all have answered the question "how much??" with a full list of all aplicable charges and a grand total at the bottom. No lack of clarity there.

Now, if I agreed to buy a car for £12,000 and then when my chequebook came out he asked me to write £12,445, he would receive a short sharp lesson in the law of contract. And a cheque for £12,000. But that has never happened to me.
Delivery Charges - Cardew
Now, if I agreed to buy a car for £12,000 and
then when my chequebook came out he asked me to write
£12,445, he would receive a short sharp lesson in the law
of contract. And a cheque for £12,000. But that
has never happened to me.

It is accepted that there is a charge of, say, £400 built into the £12,000.

The argument is that £400 is too high.

If you live near the factory in some countries you can pick up your car from the factory and not pay the delivery charges.

If you lived close to a car factory in UK shouldn't you have the opportunity to pick up a car from the factory and not pay the delivery charge?

I believe that one of the largest British car manufacturers allows you to do just that. That is Morgan Cars in Malvern!!
Delivery Charges - blue_haddock
Trust me if we could get out of the delivery charge i'd be more than happy to nip up to Burnaston to pick up cars!
Delivery Charges - henry k
If you live near the factory in some countries you can pick up your car from the factory and not pay the delivery charges.

Charges may vary for deliveries
Delivery Charges - L'escargot
thats what i've been trying to say!
As long as the price you were quoted is the price
you pay does it matter how you get there?

Several times when trading in I've been told to ignore individual figures on the invoice and to just look at the bottom line. If the salesman wants to massage the figures to reduce VAT or whatever then that's his business. I've always been satisfied that the deal I'd negotiated was the deal I was getting.
L\'escargot by name, but not by nature.