does anyone know of a place to get hold of an ex police Volvo V70 in the north of England, other than at auctions?
Most police cars are subject of bulk lease purchase, and therefore knocked out through auctions.
Do you really want one of these ? Although cheap many are very high mileage, which in itself is not a bad thing as HJ will confirm, but the vehicles in most cases really have been through it. As well as flying up and down motorways, these cars can often just be at the scene of an accident labouring with the engine running for time on end.
The plus side is that they are mostly well serviced, and there are bargains to be had.
The choice is yours.
West Oxfordshire Motor Auctions is the best place for them. See auction directory.
Jack Ford at Gateshead. Advertises in the North East Autotrader.
Went to have a look at them once, poor paintwork - especially white ones (due to the stickers) poorly 'blown over' with paint on window seals etc.
Holes in the dash from the police computers etc.
The cheap price still seems to offer poor vfm in my opinion.
Yeah, I had a look at them once there. I'll keep an eye out on that place. Plus I might venture to an auction. Thanks for the advice. My thinking was that I won't be doing that many miles in them since changing jobs recently, but need the space they offer. I'll give it some thought...
You must of seen the way these vehicles are driven on the many tv programs at the moment. They hammer them done farm tracks, drive over kerbs, rev hell out of them and if the can't stop the 14 year old driver they ram him into another police car. No thanks, as Kieth said they dont really offer vfm. Better saving a bit more and buying a private example.
Depends what you pay and what you expect but these cars can be seriously cheap with some forces better than others and they can be reconditioned internaly and externaly for not much money.Ive bought and sold many ex-william cars,main unseen weak areas are manual gearboxes and sometimes diffs,but can be a lot of very late car for not a lot of money.