Noise Nuisance Driver Silenced
Thursday, July 22, 2004
A 21-year-old Bradford man whose car sound system caused shop windows to vibrate and stationary vehicles' alarms to be activated has had his car seized by police.
Over the last few months evidence has come to light about a black Honda Civic being driven around Bradford City Centre with excessively loud music blaring from it.
More here: tinyurl.com/4hm8t
Now if only other UK police forces would follow this excellent example in how to use the Police Reform Act.
How many points go with the fixed penalty notices he's been issued?
With any luck, enough to keep this particular piece of pondlife off the road.
I say destroy the car anyway, or let him have it back WITHOUT the sound system.
Driver should count himself lucky to be allowed out of the car before it's crushed
Personally I'd alter his stereo so it only played Des O Conner at an annoyingly loud volume, then force him to listen to it for a few hours ;-) The mental scarring would last for years...
Teabelly, now that's cruel. Just crush him, it's more humane ;-)
Personally I'd alter his stereo so it only played Des O Conner at an annoyingly loud volume, then force him to listen to it for a few hours ;-) The mental scarring would last for years... teabelly
Oh, very Clockwork Orange!
Working in Bradford I know how bad this was. We endured this numpty all last summer and the City Centre wardens were sick and tired of warning him. We work four floors up and when he went up the street you couldn't talk on the phone!
>>Weendured this numpty all last summer
Maybe not so well done WYP. A precedent was set several years ago, IIRC in Wales under Motor Vehicle Construction & Use where the driver entered a guilty plea, thus allowing it to slip easily on to the books.
Why did WYP take so long?
...if any W. Yorks police officers fancy a working holiday in Manila we'd be mighty glad to see them.....
I'd love to see the cops here in the States try something like that. Civil liberties groups would be all over it, I'm sure.
Seems the ACLU is getting very powerful over there in the USA, will be even worse if you guys vote in Lurch.