What car is it?
I've encountered these "safety" systems driving a few cars now and implementations vary is an understatement.
I was put off a Skoda Kamiq after test driving it and on my standard commute test route of a bumpy backroad with no line markings to test ride quality where you tend to drive in the middle (as edges are worse) until a car comes the other way. It was my first encounter of the safety gubbins and it resisted me moving left as a car came the other way - not good!! A friend has a the mechanically similar Scala and the SOS calling keeps activating.
I've just mentioned on another thread re driving a Mazda CX-30 where it protested with red stop messages when I was passing a parked car and the speed gubbins never shut up, not because I was speeding but because it kept picking up random speed limit signs stage left/right including a 5mpg sign in a factory.
Generally my Suzuki Swace(Toyota Corolla in drag) is fairly well behaved and not so in your face. It does protest if you change lanes without signalling (my fault!) and it alerted me approaching a parked car approaching a steep right hand bend ( I suppose fair enough as I hadn't steered at that point). In our area we have some roads with dotted lines for cycles and no centre line that you are supposed to drive in unless overtaking a cycle - this can prove interesting but again indicating helps. I think it disagrees how quickly I slow down at roundabouts as I sometimes feel the slight application of brakes. As for the speed stuff, it's already saved me a speed awareness course(or worse!) as it pinged when I drove into a 30mph limit with foliage obscured signage whilst on holiday near Ludlow so I quickly adjusted my speed and just around the corner was a speed van - phew! I drove back through another day to have a look see re signs etc.
Some of the safety gubbins seems to be adjustable re sensitivity.
The moral of the story is thoroughly test drive any potential new car!! - and improve your(er my) indicating.
Edited by Big John on 26/01/2025 at 22:33