What a shame Fiat have decided not to import the new model Barchetta into the UK, apparently my local Fiat dealer has had to return quite a few deposits.
Anyone know of an import agency that can supply one?
The earlier model was imported but was always £s cheaper on the continent. As it was never built right hand drive in any event you should not have all these 'import' nonsenses from a dealer if you come to sell. Why not do a little research on buying one abroad and collecting it yourself at a huge saving? Any Fiat dealer on the continent should be able to quote you a price and a delivery date I would have thought.
Thanks for your reply I'll do some searching on the internet.
Presumably Ill need to change the headlamp adjustment and find
a replacement spedo.
The current model is very cheap in the UK just now having had a recent price cut - there was loads of stuff on the internet about what needed changing for the current model - headlamp alignment, speedo (MPH marking to be more prominent than KPH), something about the position of the reversing light also, etc... I don't know if/when detailed info about converting the new model you mention will be available.
What does the new one look like anyway?
If Fiat aren't importing them, then why does their own website indicate that they are on sale in the UK, ableit "Limited Availability" at £10,995 OTR ?????
This could be a can of worms! You might not have to change anything until it is first due an MOT; if it is a one off import by you, you might have to put it thru a Single Vehicle Type Approval which costs a lot of money and which you could fail on any number of things, spec of window glass and things like that. I wonder what happened with the old model, which was imported left hand drive but UK street legal? If the new model is going to Japan then presumably it will have to have rhd lights. There are UK firms who can make you a new dial for your speedo so it will read mph although I think the trip meter etc will still read Kms unless you pay more to have the innards re-jigged. I am not sure of my facts here but I am sure it is worth doing a lot of research before laying out any real money!
Quote from HJ's own FAQs
5 Oct 2003
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Used vehicle imports
The rules about Single Vehicle Approval changed on 1 February 2001, and will change again on 1 November 2001.
Essentially, any car which was not first registered in Europe and which does not carry a European Certificate of Type Approval ('C of C') is required to pass a Single Vehicle Approval test at a government HGV testing centre.
The only exceptions are cars more than 10 years old and cars 3-10 years old which have been owned abroad by the importer for at least six months in a country where the importer has lived for at least 12 months.
Further changes from 1 November 2001 to an 'Enhanced' SVA Test seem likely to make compliance so expensive that importing used cars from outside the EU will no longer be viable.
Since there is no sense in a system so restrictive that it prevents the importation of used cars from outside the EU, we have to hope that this prediction is unduly alarmist. But until the exact position is known all I can do is issue a warning that if you intend to make a 'grey import', make sure you time it so the car can be SVA tested before November 2001.
The relevant SVA and ESVA booklets can be obtained from the Vehicle Certification Agency, tel: 0117 951 5151, or check the website: www.via.gov.uk. You also can buy a copy of the 'Single Vehicle Approval' Inspection Manual, priced £25, from the Vehicle Inspectorate, PO Box 12, Swansea SA1 1BP.
There is a garage which imports them. Try this www.dtrsports.com/
Dont know much about them, but they advertise in Auto Italia.
DTR Sports do import them and know a lot about the car. There are some others - there used to be a place not far from East Grinstead who also sold them.
All that needs changing for the MOT are the rear fog light & reversing light swapped, mph added to the speedo and the headlights adjusted. DTR used to do an all-in-one service for about £200.
SVA does not apply as long as the barchetta you import has the European Type Certificate.