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Why has Mary Longord got so many replies? - Paul Whitehead
Whay has Mary got so many replies - 21 at the time of posting?
Re: Why has Mary Longord got so many replies? - Guy Lacey
Because "Mary" has kept her details quiet and left a thread that is bound to set those who have been so quiet - active - and set those who are the voice of reason;

Dave Woollard;
The Tune-Up Posse;
Messrs Lacey(!);
HJ himself;

and many others against the whole thing resulting in a drab tit for tat arguement.

and it's not because it's getting late.
Re: Why has Mary Longord got so many replies? - David Woollard

Just so you get at least one reply....

For my part I look at such dubious posts but consider it is just possible there is a real person there that may warrant a reply.

So I pich between good humour and respect...then see where it runs.

Same for several others I guess.

Then by the time we get to the bottom the Lacey boys know we're onto a spoof and they can wind it up for us.

Actually quite a chatty car related night tonight.

Did you ever see the girl in those tiger print trousers?

Re: Why has Mary Longord got so many replies? - Martyn [Back Room moderator]
I must be dim (after all, didn't I get it wrong about Raghu's Daewoo post, Steve P? Or did I?). And I must be boring, too, Alex and Mark, because I thought the evening's posts were fun, except for that bit about Vicki BH's bust. By the way, DFG, don't try to post again using that nickname.

I quite enjoyed the way Mary Longford wound everyone up tight like a whalebone corset. And I'm surprised no-one else noticed her promise to crank her husband's starting handle in the morning.
Re: Why has Mary Longord got so many replies? - Tom Shaw
I know it was late, but I couldn't understand a word she was on about.
Re: Why has Mary Longord got so many replies? - David Woollard
Noticed and ignored the starting methods.

Best option

Re: Why has Mary Longord got so many replies? - Martyn [Back Room moderator]
Probably wisest, David.
Re: Why has Mary Longord got so many replies? - Paul Whitehead

I could not inderstand here either

Could be a typical woman, nice to look at but a pain to listen to?

Re: Why has Mary Longord got so many replies? - Tom Shaw
Your wife does not come on this site then, Paul........
Re: Why has Mary Longord got so many replies? - Paul Whitehead
Of course not, does not stop talking for long enough to listen to anyone else anyway
Re: Why has Mary Longord got so many replies? - Rebecca
My female intuition says 'she's' a man (who's swallowed a dictionary).

One of the reasons I like it here is the mix of pure techie and vaguely auto-related chat. My job is auto-related, but I'm lost on the techie stuff.

Bickering is annoying, but a bit of humour/mick-taking doesn't do any harm.
Re: Why has Mary Longord got so many replies? - Martyn [Back Room moderator]
Rebecca, thanks for your intuitive insight. This is a difficult one for a moderator. You have to take people as they present themselves, I think.

I saw (and still see, if only for the reason I've just stated) Mary Longford as someone who had noticed how things had been a bit fraught here over the past few weeks, and was doing a good job of telling us all just how precious we were being about our rights, and about the wrongs done to us. (And I certainly include myself among that 'all'.) I began to have some doubts about her 'stability' as the posts went on, but never any doubts about her gender. But then of course I don't possess Rebecca's intuition .

Having said that, even if Mary L _is_ a 'man who's swallowed a dictionary', well, so what....? It takes all sorts.

Thanks for your post, Rebecca.
Re: Why has Mary Longord got so many replies? - Rebecca
Quite right, Martyn! It doesn't bother me in the slightest who Mary L is.
Re: Why has Mary Longord got so many replies? - Carole Adams
I'm with Rebecca on this one (we gals must stick together, but obviously that doesn't include Mary). For what it's worth I like some techie bits (the bits I can understand), some motoring bits, and lots of the banter bits. But I read most of them.
Goodbye one and all! - Mary Longford
"we gals must stick together, but obviously that doesn't include Mary"

Two's company, three's a crowd.

But did you have to have me *ostracised* gels.

I find that soooooooooo painfull.