Writing BBLs. This is extremely hard to do, though like all things in banking, not impossible.
Full KYC is undertaken on all loans. Whilst a borrower can go to a different bank, most will apply through their own bank.
Borrower will need to show ID, if a Ltd business, then board meeting notes to show loan agreed to.
99.999% of applications go through their relationship manager who will know the customer and write up the case for the loan.
Every single loan that I have seen, and I have checked the system for payment details, have gone direct to customers' current accounts via BACs or CHAPS.
Many car dealerships have already applied for CBILS or CLBILS and are not eligible for BBLs. I wonder if the fraudsters cloned a similar business details like BuyACar vs BuyACars but then again, for Ltd cos and PLCs we always lend against the co-reg number not the name alone.
Just to be clear, the loan is backed by the Govt. The high street bank is the one paying out the money. The "BBL Bank" - actually the British Business Bank does not pay out the money as such.
Edited by Zippy123 on 28/07/2020 at 22:48