Ford Focus 2006 1.6 Petrol - Coolant/Antifreeze - dac1

Just a quickie on Coolant/Antifreeze ( C/AF ).

My car had a new cambelt kit and water pump fitted a couple of months ago. I now find the C/AF is way below minimum, I presume this is due to the mechanic scrimping on C/AF when filling up after completing the job (even though I paid top dollar for the job), so I need to top it up.

The colour of the C/AF before the job was red/pink (I think) and after the job it has been filled up with the red/pink stuff.

Having typed my reg number in ECP it returns the below product.

Dubious of the ECP catalog listings, can I ask you guys/gals if the above link is the right product for my car?

Also is normal tap water okay to dilute the concentrated C/AF with, or better still would still spring water from a supermarket be better that the normal tap water? I would prefer not to have to buy any special type of water but of course I don't want to damage my car.

One final question is the mix 50/50 fine?


Edited by dac1 on 08/06/2019 at 12:31

Ford Focus 2006 1.6 Petrol - Coolant/Antifreeze - elekie&a/c doctor
No problem here. Use tap water with a 50/50 mix . Ecp pink coolant is fine , may be cheaper to buy in larger quantity. Comma 5 litres pink a/f about £ 16

Edited by elekie&a/c doctor on 08/06/2019 at 15:27

Ford Focus 2006 1.6 Petrol - Coolant/Antifreeze - dac1


Ford Focus 2006 1.6 Petrol - Coolant/Antifreeze - dac1

Actually, would the same Antifreeze/Coolant (the EuroCarParts link in the first post) be suitable for a 2007 Toyota Auris 1.6 Petrol (VVTI or something like that)?

I have some left over and am wondering if it can be used in the Auris.

Edited by dac1 on 13/06/2019 at 14:52

Ford Focus 2006 1.6 Petrol - Coolant/Antifreeze - elekie&a/c doctor
That should be absolutely fine .
Ford Focus 2006 1.6 Petrol - Coolant/Antifreeze - KenC

I,ve always found the local Ford Dealers prices are no better than Halfords, If you search e bay and check the specifications on the bottle you will likely find the correct Motorcraft product, mix it 50/50 with distilled water

Edited by KenC on 13/06/2019 at 18:22

Ford Focus 2006 1.6 Petrol - Coolant/Antifreeze - dac1

KenC - I've already purchased the Antifreeze/Coolant in the below link: link.

I've mixed it with a 50/50 ratio but I used normal cold tap water. Not sure how hard the tap water is around here or if the hardness will make a difference.

Why do you suggest distilled water and what harm could I've caused my Focus by using normal tap water?

elekie&a/c doctor - You mention it should be okay. What would be the damaged if the Antifreez/Coolant in the above link isn't suitable to a Toyota Auris? How can I be sure?

Both the Focus and Auris are 1.6 Petrol engines from 2006 and 2007 if that makes a difference. Unless I hear otherwise I would use a 50/50 ratio mix with the Antifreeze/Coolant I've already bought (above link) and normal tap water. Just don't want to damage either car.


Ford Focus 2006 1.6 Petrol - Coolant/Antifreeze - John F

Why do you suggest distilled water and what harm could I've caused my Focus by using normal tap water?

Using distilled water is a needless expense. The infinitesimal quantities of minerals and chlorine in potable tap water even in a hard water area will have no measurable deleterious effect on any items in contact with the coolant. I think the most economical and chemically pure water comes from my recently cleaned (empty after our May drought) water butt, taken from the tap a few inches from the bottom. Tap water is a bit 'hard' where we live, so it's good for the windscreen washers and rinsing the car as it doesn't smear. I've used about 250mls in 14yrs to top up our Focus, which has its original pink 18yr old coolant. Any more than this and you have a problem.

Ford Focus 2006 1.6 Petrol - Coolant/Antifreeze - dac1

I hope I haven't got a serious (or any) problem. The reason for topping up the Antifreeze/Coolant is due to having a new water pump fitted a couple months back and I think the mechanics scrimped on the Antifreeze/Coolant when filling up after installing the water pump. I've filled up the focus now, actually overfilled now. There is 2/3 of an inch clear at the top but its certainly above the maximum line. I am aware there is a overflow pipe leading out of it. I will keep an eye on the Antitfreeze/Coolant level to see if it goes down in the coming months.

Ford Focus 2006 1.6 Petrol - Coolant/Antifreeze - Galaxy

On a 13 year old car I really wouldn't worry about using tap water in the cooling system.

It won't make any noticeable difference.

Ford Focus 2006 1.6 Petrol - Coolant/Antifreeze - KenC

I have owned 2 Ford Fiestas and Two motorcycles that were water cooled, I had the

manufacturers Owners manuals for both cars and motorcycles, on the technical pages

they all gave the Antifreeze Type number and specified to use 50/50 mix with distilled water

So I assume that Ford, Honda and Aprilia all had a good reason to specify D water as a 50/50 mix.

Edited by KenC on 15/06/2019 at 10:12

Ford Focus 2006 1.6 Petrol - Coolant/Antifreeze - John F

So I assume that Ford, Honda and Aprilia all had a good reason to specify D water as a 50/50 mix.

Assume nothing. What 'good reason'? There is a good argument that D water is actually worse than hard tap water, which might produce a negligible amount of scale. Read this...

......and stick to rain water! And no need to change it, just as there is no need to change the water in your central heating system (if it uses water)........although I'm surprised that enterprising unscrupulous plumbers don't suggest this!