if the misfire was short term and enough to bring the light on it should be found under fault codes and would remain until its cleared.
however if the misfire was very intermittent and it may only of been recorded in pending fault codes. If its in pending if the fault does not re-occur after 40 starts the pending fault is wiped.If the fault does not occur in a 3 cycle period it wont bring the light on unless its a component well outside of required parameters or open or short circuit
I come across many garages where they never look in pending & if the computer says no that's it.
pending faults and freeze frame data, ( Time of event and certain engine conditions) are mostly only found under EOBD easiest way to explain is to imagine the ECu in 2 halves.
My daughters brand new Yaris developed a misfire on her way home ( she said its juddering ) so stopped and called toyota assist. The computer said no so they sent her on her way.
I got home and went into EOBD instead of engine management and under pending was a fault logged as misfire detect. Cylinder 3 1670 times. So I removed the plug to find a whisker, cleaned and fault never returned