Engineer Andy, I know the section of road you speak of.
A few dangerous road junctions that should have a round a bout in all honesty (Slip end and Odsey come to mind).
In 9 years of driving up and down this road, had numerous 'interesting' moments.
From people pulling out of side roads knowing full well where I am (expecting me to pull into a non available lane) to people not even stopping at the junction pulling out on me when I am travelling at the legal 70mph.
Then as you correctly say people driving and seeing the camera and regardless of what speed they do, drop to 50mph (it's 70mph for christ sake in a car) almost causing the driver behind to end up sitting in their rear seats).
Some drivers have no idea of the speed limits !
I have been told that those camera's are not working (council cut backs) but I wont try to find out.
Yep - I'm glad its not just me! The number of times I've seen idiots, especially those overtaking me or in the outside (of the two) lane driving along at (say) 70 and then slaming on the anchors when they come up to the cameras, often just after pulling in only a few car lengths in front of me, or, in the case of those still in the outside lane, having another car up their backside. A recipe for disaster!
One elderly couple, who I wouldn't be surprised are 'known' to those regularly using this stretch of road drive their car (I think it was a BMW 5 series or similar) erratically, often at dangerously slow speeds, including in the outside lane (not overtaking anyone), then suddenly speed up to 70. They also pay no attention (whether deliberately or don't see/hear - just as bad) to other drivers who wish to pass, and I've seen on a few occasions the 'red mist' go up from other drivers who then floor it, often inappropriately.
In another incident, just after the 'newer' Baldock bypass (going East) and past the first fixed camera, a very slow-moving 4x4 pulled out in front of me and lots of other traffic (I was only doing 60, the others around 70) at the Slip End junction, proceeding to go at 30-40 mph. There could've been a multiple vehicle pile up and many fatalities. The speed cameras in the area just don't stop that sort of idocy - you would've thought that they would've been aware (it looked like a local as it appeared to be a farm vehicle [e.g. combine harvester or similar] 'escort' vehicle) of the many accidents in that area - two on the opposite carriageway in the previous few months.
All too often, its not people going too fast that causes accidents and near misses, but poor driving skills and judgement/awareness of road conditions and others around them. My first example was not to generally denigrate older people - many people of all ages drive badly on that road, and I think incleasingly think that just 'slowing' down for speed cameras absolves them from bad driving elsewhere. I think it makes the situation worse. I prefer to have averaging speed cameras along specific stretches of road where it is much safer to reduce speed, with warnings well in advance so people don't brake at the last moment.