As I previously mentioned, the carry van is a hardy little thing with little to go wrong mechanically, but even so, I'd really be urging you to take someone with you that has mechanical knowledge about cars. Also just to have another point of view to bounce off of. If you go all the way to see that van on your own, you are more likely to buy it, even if it doesn't look as good in the flesh.
Something else I would highly recommend, is going on to a suzuki forum (there definitely is at least one, but I forget the actual Web address). They will be able to tell you exactly what to look for, and being an enthusiastic bunch (certainly regarding the carry and supercarry), you may get very lucky and find a forum member lives near to Cheddar willing to help look it over for you.
One last thing, which I am sure you will be aware of, and planning to do, is make sure absolutely all of that very expensive equipment works. You would essentially be buying about £7k worth of 2nd hand coffee making equipment, and I don't know where you would stand if something major packed up a couple of months after you bought it. I didn't notice if it was being sold privately or by a business/garage, but that is something else I'd be looking into.