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RangeRover - TPMS Fault - TheBroker
If you change your wheels on any recent JLR vehicle you must move over the tpms valves too otherwise you will get a tpms error as the system does not automatically learn the new tpms valves. If you don't want to move the valves as you have a winter wheel set for example then you will need to get the valves synced to the tpms module. This involves a trip to JLR dealer who will charge £180 to sync the new tpms valves to the tpms module. Some 'indies' may do it cheaper if they have the tech to do it.
RangeRover - TPMS Fault - skidpan

Not unique to JLR.

Nissan TPMS is self learing providing compatible TPMS valves are fitted to the winter wheels. When we bought the wheels for the Mrs Note we were told they would lean within the first few miles, in truth it took a few hundred yards max. When we refitted the summer wheels no issues and the same when refitting the winter wheels. The valves were about £20 a corner fitted and calibrated to suit Nissan.

Some makes choose to make life as difficult and expensive as possible for owners.

A bit of research before buying should help minimise expensive maintenance issues.

RangeRover - TPMS Fault - RT

If you can afford a Range Rover, the cost is small change!

Seriously though - my 2016 model year VW Touareg doesn't need recoding as it hasa receiver in each wheel arch so can detect any change of TPMS sensor, when the winter wheels are fitted - which I got from Ebay for £128 the set of 4.

Coding the TPMS sensor to a wheel position also needs to be done if wheels are rotated front-back to even wear out.

RangeRover - TPMS Fault - RobJP

Really rather ridiculous though.

On BMW as with VW, you just re-initialise the TPMS system through the iDrive controller, and then need to drive for about 10 minutes.

I did this when I put my winters on the new car on Sunday (winters came off the old car when it went), and it worked perfectly.

RangeRover - TPMS Fault - RT

Really rather ridiculous though.

On BMW as with VW, you just re-initialise the TPMS system through the iDrive controller, and then need to drive for about 10 minutes.

I did this when I put my winters on the new car on Sunday (winters came off the old car when it went), and it worked perfectly.

No re-initialising on my VW - just change the wheels and drive up the road.

RangeRover - TPMS Fault - Railroad.

Just one more reason why I think independent garages are going to thin out as time goes by and technology for cars moves on. Most will not be able to keep up with it, and manufacturer training and support is virtually non-existent in the independent market. Even more basic jobs are now dependent on technology, equipment and software, and most of all knowledge.

RangeRover - TPMS Fault - Brit_in_Germany

Then JLR have changed their system - they used to be self-learning with a recommended routine to facilitate this.

RangeRover - TPMS Fault - TheBroker

Yes they have, apparently now its a bluetooth system throughout (as per JLR tech) whereas before there was a wire from the receiver in the arch to the TPMS 'brain', this is no longer the case (2016 MY onwards I am led to believe).

RangeRover - TPMS Fault - Cyd

The systems are different types. One system directly monitors the tyre pressure and transmits it to the vehicle. The other monitors the wheel speeds and interprets a loss of pressure from changes in relative speeds.

Personally I agree that £180 is a stupid amount to charge for a relatively simple job. You should complain to the dealer. Better still ring JLR Customer Service and complain and specifically ask for the issue to be input to TGW database. Such a charge is going to discourage people from taking the sensible step of switching to winter tyres.

RangeRover - TPMS Fault - RT

The systems are different types. One system directly monitors the tyre pressure and transmits it to the vehicle. The other monitors the wheel speeds and interprets a loss of pressure from changes in relative speeds.

Personally I agree that £180 is a stupid amount to charge for a relatively simple job. You should complain to the dealer. Better still ring JLR Customer Service and complain and specifically ask for the issue to be input to TGW database. Such a charge is going to discourage people from taking the sensible step of switching to winter tyres.

No - both types use a wheel mounted sensor - the difference is that JLR seem to use just one receiver in the vehicle so the sensors have to be coded to display in the right place while others use 4 receivers, one in each wheel arch so only deals with that wheel.

There's a third type, using the ABS sensor to detect differences in radius (giving a different rotational speed).

RangeRover - TPMS Fault - Brit_in_Germany

At least until 2014, the technique for them to re-learn was to drive for at least 15 mins while maintaining a speed over 12 mph.

RangeRover - TPMS Fault - TheBroker

As per my earlier reply to someone else, I think it is 2016MY onwards. I have two customers running around with TPMS errors showing becuase they have upgraded their wheels (still genuine Land Rover Wheels), but cant be bothered to pay £180 for the priveledge to extinguish the warning light. The older system was better but im guessing the money saved in wiring by making the new system bluetooth is worth a few grumpy customers who dont want to shell out to get it fixed.

Our local indie specialist cannot even read the new TPMS 'brains' to undertake this task and they know EVERYTHING about Land Rovers (most are ex JLR techs from what I can tell).

RangeRover - TPMS Fault - RobJP

BMW used to use the rotational system - in the event of a heavily laden boot, for example, it was said to be prone to falsely indicating a flat - not something I'd ever had happen to me, but I'd heard of a couple of cases.

They moved over to sensors in 2014/2015 for most cars, I believe. My 2013 3 series was on rotational, the new car is on sensors.

RangeRover - TPMS Fault - skidpan

I have two customers running around with TPMS errors showing becuase they have upgraded their wheels (still genuine Land Rover Wheels), but cant be bothered to pay £180 for the priveledge to extinguish the warning light

Says a lot about the brain capacity of some Range Rover owners. Perhaps they think its a status symbol to have the dash lit up.

But there again, it takes some kind of dim wit to put stupid bling wheels on a Range Rover in the first place.

RangeRover - TPMS Fault - RobJP

An MOT failure too, they'll have to get it done sooner or later.

RangeRover - TPMS Fault - madf

I have two customers running around with TPMS errors showing becuase they have upgraded their wheels (still genuine Land Rover Wheels), but cant be bothered to pay £180 for the priveledge to extinguish the warning light

Says a lot about the brain capacity of some Range Rover owners. Perhaps they think its a status symbol to have the dash lit up.

But there again, it takes some kind of dim wit to put stupid bling wheels on a Range Rover in the first place.

I travel weekly over single track roads - with passing spaces - up and down hills and along twisty roads with high hedges on either side. Classic road where a 4x4 and its off road capability makes meeting another car much easier as the 4x4 can easily park on the muddly verges and move away again.

All except new RangeRover drivers who seem incapable of doing such a thing, forcing the other driver to reverse to a passing space - which can be 300 meters round several bends. RR drivers apparently don't do verges .. or reversing.

RangeRover - TPMS Fault - RT

I travel weekly over single track roads - with passing spaces - up and down hills and along twisty roads with high hedges on either side. Classic road where a 4x4 and its off road capability makes meeting another car much easier as the 4x4 can easily park on the muddly verges and move away again.

All except new RangeRover drivers who seem incapable of doing such a thing, forcing the other driver to reverse to a passing space - which can be 300 meters round several bends. RR drivers apparently don't do verges .. or reversing.

A lot of SUV brands are like that, always have been - as a SUV driver myself I just move so that I'm only taking half the road surface, forcing them to move over - if they simply stop, so do I.

Edited by RT on 18/01/2017 at 20:37

RangeRover - TPMS Fault - TheBroker
How did this morph from a piece of useful info on tpms to Range Rover/other SUV driver bashing thread...?
RangeRover - TPMS Fault - skidpan
How did this morph from a piece of useful info on tpms to Range Rover/other SUV driver bashing thread...?

Probably because most people realise that the owners of large SUV's generally deserve a good bashing.

Take a former colleagues wife. Had to have a large diesel SUV to take the kids to school in, just not possible to get them there by any other method and its much safer for them in a large SUV of course. So off he went and spent £48000 on one.

The real facts are:

  • School is less than one mile away from where they live.
  • When it snows he would not allow her to drive it should it get damaged.
  • When it snows all the schools are closed for H & S reasons (this does annoy the hell out of me - in the 14 years I attended school they never closed for a single day due to the weather and that included the winter of 1963).

After 3 years and under 10,000 miles they swapped it, for a new model of the same car that was even more expensive.

Why don't they walk for feks sake.

RangeRover - TPMS Fault - galileo
How did this morph from a piece of useful info on tpms to Range Rover/other SUV driver bashing thread...?

Probably because most people realise that the owners of large SUV's generally deserve a good bashing.

Take a former colleagues wife. Had to have a large diesel SUV to take the kids to school in, just not possible to get them there by any other method and its much safer for them in a large SUV of course. So off he went and spent £48000 on one.

The real facts are:

  • School is less than one mile away from where they live.
  • When it snows he would not allow her to drive it should it get damaged.
  • When it snows all the schools are closed for H & S reasons (this does annoy the hell out of me - in the 14 years I attended school they never closed for a single day due to the weather and that included the winter of 1963).

After 3 years and under 10,000 miles they swapped it, for a new model of the same car that was even more expensive.

Why don't they walk for feks sake.

Peobably too fat and leg muscles atrophied through being ferried everywhere from birth. Parents' brains atrophied as well, from stated facts.

RangeRover - TPMS Fault - TheBroker
Hmm, funny about their brains having atrophied, yet they still are clever enough to have a job paying enough to buy such a vehicle. Jealousy is such an ugly thing. How people spend their hard earned is up to them. And for the record, every brand of car has its terrible drivers, it's just more socially acceptable to 'bash' those driving expensive cars, because it often makes those who do so feel better about the fact they don't own/drive one but often wish they had the money to do so.

Admin might I suggest locking this thread as it's gone waaaay off topic
RangeRover - TPMS Fault - skidpan
Hmm, funny about their brains having atrophied, yet they still are clever enough to have a job paying enough to buy such a vehicle. Jealousy is such an ugly thing. How people spend their hard earned is up to them.

If we wanted we could also afford such a car but we have enough brain cells left to realise its totally unnessary and have enough brain cells to make our own decision rather than simply thinking you have to drive an SUV simply because others drive an SUV.

While I worked at that company I had zero days off work due to bad weather and my route to work included several fair inclines, for most of the time I drove a BMW with Kleber all season tyres fitted during the winter months. During the same period colleagues with 4 X 4's who had in some cased less difficult and shorter drives regularly phoned in saying they could not get into work. It used to really annoy me (and other members of staff) as we sat there after driving our 2 wheel drive cars over tricky hilly roads.

Most people who buy 4 x 4's do not think it through. They never really need one and are paying at the pumps for 12 months a year for the privilage. If they genuinely cannot get into work for a few days because of the weather their loss of pay would be much less than the running costs incurred owning a pointless leviathon. And as I said above it was the 4 x 4 owners who failed to get in when they saw 2 flakes of snow.

When we ordered our new Skoda Superb I did not look round and try to match neighbours etc, I bought what we found to be the best car for our needs at a great price. I don't think that is jealousy, personally I think it simply shows inteligence.

As I said I am not in any way jealeous and what is there to be jealous about, certainly not a loan or PCP on a £48,000 car.

RangeRover - TPMS Fault - kiss (keep it simple)

I find that we don't really need a 4x4 because there is now a tarmac road all the way to London.

RangeRover - TPMS Fault - RT

I find that we don't really need a 4x4 because there is now a tarmac road all the way to London.

You're going the wrong way - the only good road in London is one that leaves.

RangeRover - TPMS Fault - TheBroker

I think to insinuate that anyone who chooses to have a SUV/4x4 is lacking in brain cells or intelligence shows a very poor side to you...

Having said that you also said you owned a BMW. Now, how many aspersions can be cast about BMW drivers, and are, on a daily basis. By your own logic I can only assume all of them apply to you as well.

The determination of need is often subjective rather than objective. If someone feels they need a 4x4, then they need one. Yes a Ford Fiesta will probably get them from A to B but it is not what they want. You determined you needed a BMW, whilst said Ford Fiesta would have done the same job in getting you from A to B. You didnt NEED a BMW yet you decided to get one.

You have now ordered a new Skoda Superb. Did you NEED a new car? Probably not, a used Superb would probably have been sufficient. In fact a 5+ yr old Ford Mondeo would probably have met most of your actual NEEDS.

I hope you enjoy your new Skoda Superb, they are very nice cars.



RangeRover - TPMS Fault - skidpan

Having said that you also said you owned a BMW. Now, how many aspersions can be cast about BMW drivers, and are, on a daily basis. By your own logic I can only assume all of them apply to you as well.

I bought a BMW 118D simply because at the time it was the car that best fitted my needs and compared to the competition it was way better. Had it for 5 1/2 happy years, no regrets.

When I swapped it I was tempted by another 1 series (probably a 116i at the time) but the newly introduced Seat Leon 1.4 TSi soundly beat it on just about every count plus it was quite a bit cheaper so I bought one of those.

You have now ordered a new Skoda Superb. Did you NEED a new car?

I do actually need a new car since our current requirements mean the Leon is too small. As with previous purchases I bought the car that works best for me which in this case is the Superb.

a used Superb would probably have been sufficient. In fact a 5+ yr old Ford Mondeo would probably have met most of your actual NEEDS.

I have been buying new cars (or pre-reg) since 1978 so there is no way I am going to buy a 5 year old Mondeo even if it does happen to theoretically match my requirements. In truth my Leon is only 3 1/2 years old so I would have to be as mad as an SUV owner to buy a 2nd hand car that is older than my current car which was purchased new.

Suppose you might have spotted that I have no particular brand allegiance, just buy what is the best at any time.

If I lived at the top of a mountain or at the end of a dirt track I would probably consider a 4 x 4 but while I am living in a part of the country with tarmac roads which get badly snowed over about once every 10 years (this sums up probably 99.9% of the UK population) I won't be bothering. Anyway, a decent front wheel drive hatch on good winter tyres will outperform a 4 x 4 in all except the most extreme conditions. Even my BMW on all seasons in the worst winter for many years never let me down.

I bought the Leon and the Superb via the same broker. Fortunately he seems to be a decent sort.

RangeRover - TPMS Fault - TheBroker
A good reliable broker is hard to find, glad you have found one ????
RangeRover - TPMS Fault - galileo

My point is that it would be better for their health (and their childrens' health) and would reduce both congestion and pollution if they walked to and from school.

I and most others of my generation routinely walked to and from school, and now still walk for any journey of less than a mile.

As you know, such short journeys are not good for the car (unless its pure electric).

With all due respect, I can understand the TheBroker defending those whose custom may be important to him. (And I could buy a Range Rover with my own cash if I chose)

Edited by galileo on 23/01/2017 at 18:36

RangeRover - TPMS Fault - skidpan

My last off topic post on this thread.

Regarding the former colleague with the £48,000 SUV. One winters day his wife rang in to say it was snowing heavily at home and he must leave work immediately. Well it was a beautiful day at the office so we all had a laugh and carried on. 10 minutes later phone rang again, schools being closed, cars on their roofs, leave immediately or not get home. Its probably a 20 mile trip vitually all on good A road, dual carriageways and motorway. He left with us still having a good laugh.

Since at the time my wife worked close to where my colleague lived (but actually about 5 miles distant) and drove home past his home town I thought I had better give her a call to see how the weather was. She replied it was a lovely day but said she would ring her boss to check on the weather where he lived since their HQ was based there. Reply came back no snow. When the wife drove home a few hours later there was still no snow and the following morning she got to work on snow free roads.

But the colleague rang in to tell us he was snowbound and all the schools were shut and there was no way he could get the 4 x 4 out.

My wife managed perfectly well in a Kia Ceed.