I went into an approved Toyota dealership today in Liverpool and was looking at a 2011 Fiesta Zetec S 1.6 that took my fancy, apparently took in as a part ex deal. The price of this was lower than I'd seen online (£7995) for a lowish mileage (23k). I was thoroughly intrested and took the car for a test drive, which seemed fine, but did not want purchase it today but I managed to snag a picture of the front page of the V5C registration cert.
Upon later inspection it turns out the cars previous owner is registered to SCOT GROUP PLC, or the rental company Thrifty. Furthermore using the MOT history checker on the DVLA website the cars registration and V5C reference number gave an error, and did not bring up any past MOT checks, although I had seen service history stamps in the dealership.
I wouldn't mind purchasing a rental car due to the reduced price, aslong as I knew it ran fine, but it all seems a little fishy with the low price and the MOT not appearing on the DVLA checker.
Should I just walk away from the deal as it seems too good to be true?
Edited by donni10 on 20/12/2013 at 20:54