Not Scottish but I'm unclear why it should be seen as so far fetched
Why is a Sterling zone so impossible there while it's not in question under 'Devo-Max'.
I'm not questioning the mechanics of such an arrangement, of course it's possible. My problem with it is how it undermines Salmonds basic argument.
For years he has said he wants independence, but he's quite happy for a Canadian in London to set his independent nations interest rate for him. Unsurprisingly he doesn't verbalise it that way, because he'd sound stupid if he did.
Salmond also wants his independent Scotland to be in the EU, which is an oxym**** in itself. For the first time ever, the Commission President has been helpful to Britain and explained an independent Scotland would need to re-apply for membership, then join the Euro. Meaning an Italian banker in Frankfurt would then set the interest rate for Salmonds independent nation.
So talk of a Sterling Zone for a Scotland still in the EU, is an irrelevant debate anyway.
. The obvious one is the parity of exchange between the UK and Irish currency which carried on for decades
Yes when the Irish still used the Pound, the British Chancellor (who no Irish resident could vote for) would decide Irelands interest rate and give them 24 hours notice. For Salmond to want a similar arrangement is very bizarre.
It just seems very rich of Salmond to bait & goad the English for decades, bang on about it being 'Scotlands oil' and all the rest of it, but when it comes to the crunch he wants to cherry pick all the stuff he likes about being in the union, but get rid of everything he doesn't.
The man is not credible and never has been.
Edited by jamie745 on 27/11/2013 at 16:23