The fundamental difference is for the DSA test we are taught Mirror, Signal, Manoeuvre. Whereas Advanced Driving/Riding uses Police Roadcraft IPSGA . (information, Position, Speed, Gear, Acceleration). Within Information which runs through all the others comes 3 parts, Take, Use, Give.
The argument is that you are supposed to take in information and decide if another road user would benefit from a signal. As stated it does check that Observation has been done. Would you go into an empty room and say Hello !
When doing my IAM/RoSPA tests on cars and bikes the examiner would say that you will not be criticised for giving a signal. However blantantly signalling by habit was discouraged. It shows that you have not applied IPSGA and would result in a lower pass.
Although the system of Advanced Driving/Riding is based on Police Roadcraft and has been well proven to reduce the risk of crashing but is not perfect. That is why like the Highway code it is continuously updated to reflect changing traffic conditions.
Despite what many believe there is no such thing as a perfect driver/rider or a perfect drive/ride. However by using advanced techniques this does help to reduce risk and make driving/riding more enjoyable. The use of signals is a very small part of advanced driving but does show that the driving/riding is being done systematically.
I remember my IAM observer telling me the best interpretation of another road users signal is that the bulbs working !