When the DVLA FINALLY switched its medical accessment section phone line on I spoke to someone who actually knew what they were talking about
For the uniformed out there a licence is medically restricted for 1.2.3 or 5 years, a friend of mine has sleep apnoea and has his RENEWED EVERY YEAR, this need either a doctor or in my case as I have diabetes and diabetic renopathy (damage to the macular due to leakage and or blood vessal growing and needing occassional lasering) I have to have my eyes tested every three years BY SPECSAVERS ONLY., in the meanwhile my licence shows expire BUT I am allowed to drive, this is due to the DVLA's computer system not being able to allow this one off get a round and so my licence will show as EXPIRED, also the DVLA is still sending out unhelpful unmodified letters to drivers telling them the licence is expireing but the extension is on the medically extended licence page, the two contradict each other.
So after two weeks of uneccessary stress I finally talked to a human being I could not use the online system to check my own status as I dont exist in any verification system owing to the fact I have no debts, the house is paid off so any financial check will not show me as even existing it really is something when the more debts you accumilate make you more real!!!
END OF SAGA....................or is it, DVLA still insist no eyesight related licence renewal will take place until they can send me a booking to go to specsavers, as specsaver have NEVER had a full quota of Ophalmologists (most will only work part time for this bunch) and because specsavers has booked itself solid with people wanting glasses renewed (ask specsavers this is from their own mouths I CHECKED)
No one medically renewed for eyesight reason will get tested in the near future, I have complained to my MP thats the DVLA has signed a contract with a company that is not testing ANYONE for the DVLA and that the DVLA will not take any evidence except from Specsavers, a situation that may continue for some time.
As for the local GP I sent them a copy of an eye test from a very local private optician, their response was to send me on a wild goose chase of blood tests a weeks worth of Blood pressure tests and any other test they can demand.
The local GP surgery and ALL (they had a meeting and this was confirmed to me) the GP's in it were unwilling to sign me off as fit to drive, the GP's are not seeing anything but the most urgent cases, they have hunkered down and are avoiding contact with their patients, pretty much all the GP's are under 50 in my local surgery, I will be changing surgeries as they are treating me as a risk factor and not as a patient, thats modern GP's and their surgeries for you!!