Here's the situation. We live in a village in Wiltshire and our house is situated on a narrow lane. There are 9 properties in relative close proximity 5 of which are a terrace. We've lived on this lane for 25 years.
One of the properties was sold back in June and bought by a local plumber / heating engineer. The property had been modernised around 10 years ago, by adding a set of rooms (a large dormer) essentially giving the property 3 floors instead of 2. The property has been completely renovated again, and has been converted to 3 x 1 bedroomed flats (there are now 3 kitchens, 3 bathrooms, etc.) although this is only supplied by a single electric and gas meter.
Much to the consternation of the neighbours either side of the property, this conversion has been carried out without initial planning permission, but a retrospective planning permission has been sought and we've been consulted via letter. This outlines that the property will be fully occupied by family members, including the owner's disabled daughter. Various conversions have been made to the house to ensure wheelchair access etc.
Although I empathise with the 2 neighbours who live either side, they are mostly concerned about noise - as two out of the three living rooms will now back onto their bedrooms, however because we are in a detached property, this will obviously not affect us, and I don't believe I can object for any of those reasons, as this is not objective.
My main concern is around parking, there is limited space on the lane - only 4 cars can park, and although I'm fortunate enough to have a garage, in which SWIMBO and my car use all the time, during the time when the work that was being carried out, various contractors parked in front of the garage preventing me from getting in / out. I've always had a live and let live attitude to this, usually knocking on the door of the property and asking the vehicle to move.
Moving forward, my main worry is again, having vehicles inappropriately parked preventing access to my garage, although this hasn't happened for some time. The lane is a pinch point where I live, with barely enough room for 2 vehicles to pass, and there is much agricultural traffic that uses this lane, coupled with the refuse / recycling vehicles that use the lane. So parking is an issue, but given the respect individuals have on the lane, as I said this is rarely, if ever, a problem.
So, the question is, what are the legitimate reasons I can object to the planning permission, based on access to my garage. I could improve signage, for any new residents who might not be aware, but there are no double yellow lines, so in theory people are aware. But, as other neighbours believe (not proven though) the house will be rented out using an Air BNB type principle, so there could be new people in the house all the time.
Any advice gladly received.