Son works in USA on secondment - he has a Kodi box that allows him to see UK TV. Mobdro app allows him to see virtually all UK broadcasts. He has US cable TV BUT they do not broadcast things he might want to see.
If trying to get i-player etc to work another friend as an annual contract which spoofs his IP address to allow him into BBC iplayer - £20 approx for 12 months.
I used to work abroad 45 years ago - Had my UK pay paid into Channel isles.
I had 25% paid out locally in Riyals.
My son in Texas has a company paid home - they pay everything rent, "Council Tax", electricity, Cable etc etc. He is paid in ££s in UK & transfers money every 2 months to a local bank account. It works now but was a pain in in the beginning.
I told him, months before he left, to have his UK Bank to setup and account in USA and a USA Credit Card etc etc - he ignored my advice and it took 2/3 months to get things working - which was painful & expensive using UK Credit card and getting poor exchange rates.
Find out what your employer pays for and equally what you have to pay for.
Ask the chap you are replacing what he did, what holes he fell into etc etc