I have a Peugeot 405 that's running a little hot, the heating has never worked. on Monday I noticed it was running at 110'c. I then ordered a thermostat and heater matrix. Flushed the system and fitted the new thermostat which made no difference.
Wednesday night I painstakingly replaced the matrix! Once that was done I got heat inside the car for the first time! The temp issue improved but is still not ideal, it takes longer to get hot but now sits at 104'C!
The strange thing is the whole system is stable at these high Temps and never goes higher then 112, (108 now the matrix has been changed) guess it all flows better now.
Tonight I will try properly bleeding the system useing a cut in half water bottle on the rad. Maybe there is a air lock.
The car has 65'000 miles on the clock and had a timing belt kit about 5000 miles ago.
I was thinking it might be a issue with the fans, one might be seized (it has two) or maybe they are not kicking into full speed.
The radiator does not bleed either and one of the fluid releace bits is bunged up it had a new rad about 10 years ago but that's old now...
Im not very expereiced with cars, but I do the basics (disc brakes, full service and simple issues) but this seems a bit much! Doing the heater matrix was a challenge! I can't really afford to go to a garage all the time and pay someone to change bits all the time so I want to fix this before it gets worse or summer comes around.
If anyone can help I would seriosly appreate it! =) help me keep a otherwise perfect low mileage car on the road!
Thanks for reading!