Most recently answered dvla questions

I've recently applied online to renew my licence as I reach 70 this month. I was then sent a form to date and sign. I sent it back, including my cut up existing driving licence. I have heard nothing since....

What is the most effective way of communicating with the DVLA? Phone calls and chat line attempts have proved unsuccessful.

I'm trying every day to renew my licence online and, after entering all my details (a lengthy procedure), I'm told that I am not eligible for this service. I know that there has been an 11-month extension...

I bought a motorhome and it's being delivered. Do I need to tax it if I don't intend to drive it for 3-4 months?

I applied for the V5 in April with a V62 form and it's not come yet. Do you know what's going on with processing the document? The car is ready to export but it's still not back from DVLA. Thanks.

At 70, can I renew my license online if I don't have a passport? My existing license was renewed only four years ago so would DVLA use the photo from that, or would I have to apply by post and provide...

My driving license expires in February 2021. Should I apply for a renewal now or wait?

I'm thinking of selling my car but it has a number plate I would like to keep. Can you advise me how I go about this? I usually have the dealer do this for me

A car was gifted to me in a will, but I don't want it so it's being sold when acquired. Can I drive it on trade plates when uninsured and SORN'd, please?

The engine in my Fiat Doblo van has broken down and the local garage that I trust has told me it needs replacing. I will do this with a reconditioned unit. Obviously the replacement unit will have a different...