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Can my insurer increase my premium for no reason, without explanation?
I recently purchased a Nissan X-Trail. Before taking the train to pick up the car, I went online to take up the quote that I had received from Halifax insurance the previous day. I retrieved the quote and it still had the same price, but when I got to the payment page the price had gone up by nearly £70. I went through the procedure again to ensure that I had not made any mistake but the same thing happened. I queried this with Halifax and they told me that it was because I had made a change to my application, namely specifying that day as the date of purchasing the car when the quote was given on the assumption that I already owned the car. Is this fair? I paid anyway because I had a train to catch and didn't have time to go through it all again.
Asked on 5 February 2018 by Aerostat

Yes, that is correct. They can do whatever they wish before inception. You do have a 14 day cooling off period though, so go back online and see if you can get a better quote with the cover you require. Then makes sure there are no cancellation fees (maximum should just be a £40 admin fee).
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