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Fraudulent insurance claim has been made against my policy - how can I proceed?

On receiving my renewal form my car with Aviva, I noticed that an accident was recorded in the renewal form. On making enquiries (by telephone) I was told not to worry as this was being investigated and would be resolved shortly. After a month passed, I pressed for more detail and was then informed that the accident occurred on 3 May in Rochdale at 0434 hours. It involved a named driver and the claim was for £501. I have never visited Rochdale, I do not know anyone by the driver's name and my car was, and still is undamaged. At the present time I am unable to get any further with this, and since it affects my present and future no-claim bonus, I would like advice on how to proceed,

Asked on 24 March 2012 by JA, via email

Answered by Honest John
Send a letter to your insurer by Post Office Special Delivery listing all your details and stating that this claim is fraudulent. Demand that your insurer report the fraud to the police and do so yourself, and get a crime number from the police. The police will say it is a 'civil matter' but it isn't. It involves fraud and consequential financial loss to you, so it is a crime.
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