Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupe CDI250 62Reg - Pulling Left - NeilYork

Hi There

First post in this forum - but an avid reader of Honest John!

Took delivery just before Christmas of a new Mercedes C Coupe, and noticed immediately that it pulled strongly to the left. The steering doesn’t self-centre, always ending up slightly left of centre.

I ‘ve had other people drive it, and they have commented on the same thing – without prompting from me.

Its been back to the dealer twice now, and they assure me it is normal for a Mercedes to pull to some degree or another, and that there is nothing further they can do to adjust or compensate for this.

I've been on a road test with a service engineer driving, he also said it is normal for Mercedes in the UK to pull in this fashion due to the road camber, but I can replicate the result in a flat car park.

I have checked all tyre pressures. The pull seems worse under acceleration and when cruising (40-60mph) but is ok under breaking. Not only is it uncomfortable to drive, particularly on long motorway slogs (the bulk of my journeys), I'm also concerned about excessive tyre wear.

I am struggling to accept the dealer’s insistence that this is normal. Admittedly I have never owned or driven a Mercedes before (except for commercials - and they were fine!) but surely an established ‘prestigious’ brand would not accept this as normal? I have had a google around and can’t even find that much chatter about it – surely if it was that common a problem, more people would be discussing it?

Or is it just me? None of my previous cars (BMW, Audi, Ford) have pulled in this fashion...

Any advice on here for where to go, or what to do next? What might be causing the vehicle to pull? It’s really frustrating to have a new vehicle behave this way (particularly one I was so excited about) and to not be able to get to the bottom of it.

Many thanks in advance for any advice that can be offered.


Edited by NeilYork on 18/01/2013 at 11:56

Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupe CDI250 62Reg - Pulling Left - craig-pd130

One thing to check before proceeding -- are either of the left-side wheels hotter than the right after a drive? I wonder if a brake pad is rubbing / dragging.

If not, here's my 10p worth: find a local tyre factor that does 4-wheel tracking checks and alignment, and ask them how much it will cost for the check and any remedial action.

Then notify the supplying dealer (the salesperson who you dealt with and the service manager) that you are not satisfied with their explanation of the car's road behaviour, and that you believe there is a fault with the car. Tell them that you want a 4-wheel alignment check done on the car.

If they refuse to do this, say that you will take the car to the tyre factor and do the test yourself. If that shows any anomalies or need for tracking correction, tell them you will bill the dealer for the cost of the test and remedial action.

No car should pull to either side. It's normal for them to drift gently down a camber but there's a clear difference between that and actually pulling.

Good luck.

Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupe CDI250 62Reg - Pulling Left - NeilYork

Thanks to all for your helpful comments and advice.

The rear left wheel does seem hotter, even after a short run, and can even smell of burning - so maybe a brake pad out of alignment is the culprit.

I'll be annoyed if this the case however, given that the vehicle has been to the dealer twice and I've be assured nothing is wrong with it.

The vehicle's booked in next Wednesday for an unrelated issue (front indicator out), so I will ask them to check brake pads at the same time. Will also try to arrange for a drive in another vehicle to see if it really is just me.

Will let you all know how I get on.

Thanks again

Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupe CDI250 62Reg - Pulling Left - csgmart

I was given exactly the same response to my request for someone to look at my new SLK just before Christmas. I got no further than talking to the sales man on the phone and decided pressing the matter further was going to be a pointless exercise and waste of my time.

In the SLK it's not that bad - noticable for sure. Like you I was concerned about tyre wear.

Having read your post I'm half minded to call into the dealer and complain about it in person. If I get the same "they all do that sir" line again I'll ask them to put it in writing and agree to fund the replacement of my front tyres if they show excessive signs of wearing unevenly in a few months time, along with rectification of the fault.

Other than this my experience of dealing with Mercedes staff at my local dealer was a pleasant one.

Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupe CDI250 62Reg - Pulling Left - 72 dudes

I agree with Craig-pd's comments, good advice.

Another thing you might want to try first is ask the dealer if you can drive another C Coupe to compare them.

It'll either amplify the fault with yours or put your mind at rest. Good luck

Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupe CDI250 62Reg - Pulling Left - csgmart

I was given exactly the same response to my request for someone to look at my new SLK just before Christmas. I got no further than talking to the sales man on the phone and decided pressing the matter further was going to be a pointless exercise and waste of my time.

An update.

A few months ago I took the SLK to a well recommended independent 4 wheel alignment centre in Bristol. The young chap, who was very knowledgeable and helpful, did a check using his laser system and declared the settings on all wheels to be within the manufacturers tolerances.

Tyre wear at the first service 4 weeks ago was even on all tyres, so no uneven wear at all. It still pulls to the left and I'm not happy with that but not sure how to solve the problem. It would definately put me off buying another Mercedes, which is a shame because in every other way I'm really happy with the car and the dealer experience (other than the call to the original salesman about the pulling) has been a pleasure.

Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupe CDI250 62Reg - Pulling Left - Cyd

To get the 4 wheel alignment checked you need to find a dealer or depot with a Hunter rig. These are expensive kit so not even some main dealers have them.

If you try another car make sure it has the same size tyres as yours.

Cars with wide low profile tyres will often follow the camber and any undulations quite strongly. This can be quite disconcerting if you've never experienced it before.

Nevertheless, your car should still run true on a flat car park.

Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupe CDI250 62Reg - Pulling Left - craig1912
I have a C250 saloon and it doesn't pull to the left at all.
Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupe CDI250 62Reg - Pulling Left - barney100

I'm on my third Merc and have never heard of this, suggest you contact the owners club for advice.

Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupe CDI250 62Reg - Pulling Left - sandy56

As this is a brand new car I would return it to the delaer and say either fix the problem or I want my money back. There is a fault with the car and they need to fix it.. It is their problem not yours, and if you dont get a good response tell them you want their explanation in writing and then to the MB head office and complain. Also let them know that you have been consulting various websites and publishing your problem and their lack of response.

Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupe CDI250 62Reg - Pulling Left - kitzbilder88


I have a C180 Edition 125 auto saloon bought March 2012 [new November 2011].

I have exactly the same problem of the steering pulling to the left at all times.

At the first service in November 12, I raised this as a fault needing correction. I was told "They all do it. There is no unusual tyre wear, so there is nothing wrong, and no action to be taken." [Mercedes, Cheltenham]. I made the same points as yourself, but they insisted they were right. I have also written to MB-Milton Keynes, where I bought the car. I had no reply. Perhaps a letter to MB, Stuttgart would get further information.

By the way, "breaking" in your email should be "braking".

At Cheltenham, I also discussed cruise control braking. When in cruise control, the system allows you to accelerate to overtake. When you take your foot off the gas, the MB cruise control activates the brakes to return the car to the set cruise control speed. This is, in my view, not a desirable feature. It wears the brake linings to no useful purpose and by braking when not required wastes fuel. The brake lights, just after overtaking, probably confuse other motorists too. The VW cruise control does not do this. After accelerating to overtake, lifting off on the gas allows the speed to decay until the set cruise speed is regained. Surely this is what a Mercedes should do?

I can understand that the "Speedtronic" system would brake the car so that the set "never exceed" speed is not exceeded, but this should not happen with cruise control.

Will let you know if I get any more on this from MB.

Regards, Kitzbilder.

Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupe CDI250 62Reg - Pulling Left - Ed V

Kitzbuilder88 - I agree with you that MB's cruise control braking seems perverse. This must be new - they didn't have this 8 or 9 years ago on mine.

Do let us know what you get from MB re the pulling left.

Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupe CDI250 62Reg - Pulling Left - craig1912
I don't believe the brake lights come on when its the car doing the braking using cruise control.
Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupe CDI250 62Reg - Pulling Left - JG-ABZ

My C250D 2012 does this also

I was also told it follows the contours of the road

I have yet to try it in a flat space, but I also agree its worse when you step hard on the gas

please keep us updated on how you get on

Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupe CDI250 62Reg - Pulling Left - Pecon

Hi Neil

I am also plagued with the same problem with my new 2013 C200 which has been there from the day I picked it up. I have had two W204 C class Mercs before, a 2008 and a 2010 model, neither of which pulled. I brought it back twice and like you was told that this is normal. In fact they gave me another car with less than a 1000 kilometers to run for a week and sure enough the pull was there although slightly less. I spoke to the service guy who told me that he would bring the tracking to the limit to try to ease the problem, but to no avail. I had the car drived by two trouble shooters from Mercedes who told me that the problem was all in my mind.

This insistance that this is normal beggers belief as the third time I had it back they gave me a new VW Polo and guess what?, no pull..!!. I am completely disilusioned with the brand and can assure Mercedes that they have lost a customer because as soon as I can afford to replace this car the next will certainly not be a Merc.

I will be interested to hear how Mercedes UK treat you as their Irish distributers are so far less than impressive.


Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupe CDI250 62Reg - Pulling Left - 5kip

I've got a 11plate C220CDI Coupe and I've been living with exactly the same issue, been to the dealer twice and been told nothing is wrong. For me its hardly noticable off the motorway but on the motorway I can take my hands off the steering wheel in the outside lane and five seconds later I'll be on the hard shoulder.

I know this is just made worse by the camber and on some parts of the motorway its not as noticable but for almost all my journey up and down the M3 each day I'm having to turn slightly right to stay in a straight line which is tiring after an hour plus each way.

Pretty disappointed in the car and am already considering moving away from a Mercedes when I change. I'm hoping tyres fix this for me but it doesn't sound like its going to :(


Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupe CDI250 62Reg - Pulling Left - barney100

I've not known of this fault on a Mercedes. Why not ask the owners club if this is a known fault? You could ring one of the indies who specialise in Mercedes, Protech at Kingsclere is very good.

Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupe CDI250 62Reg - Pulling Left - natpat
Hi all,

I also recently took delivery of a c200 and was amazed at the amount of left pull. This is a fleet vehicle on a 62 plate, and as soon as I got in the car the tyre pressure warning came on, I thought this was issue, but after filling the tyres and re-setting the computer, still pulled hard.

Massively disappointed as this is the first. Merc I have had the dis-pleasure of driving, and expected more from a so called 'premium' manufacturer. Give me back my Mazda 6 sport any day if the week!!!!!!

So I called the dealer in bristol, and they agreed to look at it. First visit was tracking, not fixed, second visit, wheel alignment, not fixed, and I was also told this is normal for merc c-classes. Funny that. As the two c-class courtesy cars I drove didn't have the issue, and they both had low profile 18inch AMG alloys, so the comment regarding 'following camber' by merc. Is a cop out.

At this point I started doubting myself, but not convinced it was normal so I emailed merc. Directly through their website. Amazing got a phone call the following day asking me to take back to the dealer where they were going to change the steering column under warranty. I thought this would be the end of the issue but no, still steering to the left, and appears to be getting worse.

In one way I am lucky it's a fleet car as I won't have to pay for replacement tyres, as the left's are already more worn than the right, however, if I was a private buyer, I would have returned this car as it has been supplied with a clear fault, un-surprisingly the fleet company don't care!

Going to take it into a tyre specialist later and see if they can offer any advice, and will keep you all informed.
Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupe CDI250 62Reg - Pulling Left - csgmart
Going to take it into a tyre specialist later and see if they can offer any advice, and will keep you all informed.

Please do - I for one would be interested as my SLK is still pulling to the left.

Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupe CDI250 62Reg - Pulling Left - bazza

Some cars are more sensitive to road camber than others but easy to check out, just find a completely flat bit of road. The car should track straight ahead. But check your tyre pressures first. I'd expect more from the dealer than telling you its normal.

Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupe CDI250 62Reg - Pulling Left - PangaDave

I have just bought a C 250 CDI AMG Coupe 62 Reg and yes it pulls to the left, it has been back for an all wheel alignment check and a geometry check and still pulls to the left. Now the MB dealer is going to fit new tyres and see what happens and another geometry check, if that does not work it will get changed for another.

Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupe CDI250 62Reg - Pulling Left - Rochdale Pioneers

I've had various cars that pull left, and my current 09 Grand Picass is no different. Tyre pressures all correct, wheel alignment redone (small tweak only) and its still there. Camber clearly plays an issue as its not consistent, but it is noticeable and annoying.

But I spent £9k on my surprisingly feel good l'autobus du merde. Wouild be most unhappy having spend a much larger amount on a car that's less French

Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupe CDI250 62Reg - Pulling Left - FlyingSquid

I took delivery of my brand new C250CDI AMG Sport Edition Saloon 3 weeks ago. It's noticeably pulling to the left. Called my local MB dealer this afternoon and have it booked in for a look tomorrow. Not amused. I changed from a BMW 325 and never had anything like this with the beemer. I've never come across this sort of problem before but if a satisfactory solution is not found I'm tempted to just return the car as unfit for purpose. It's a fantastic motor, loads better than the BMW except for the pulling to the left problem.

Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupe CDI250 62Reg - Pulling Left - Alby Back
I've had a 250CDI E class estate from new for 2.5 years and so far 85000 miles. Tracks straight and true and always has.

Love it. Cosseting thing.
Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupe CDI250 62Reg - Pulling Left - sutts35

Hi, I too have the same problem with my C250cdi AMG Sport Estate (Feb'14).

Dealer has said that all C Classes drift to the left.

How did you get on?

Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupe CDI250 62Reg - Pulling Left - barney100

Never had this on a Merc, try the owners club, they know most things Merc on there and can maybe offer some insight.

Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupe CDI250 62Reg - Pulling Left - Marklew

Seems it the coupes/sports with the problem

I had an C Class Executive SE, no issue at all.

Drove a couple of E Class Coupe Sports as a potential replacement, that do move to the left and opted for an A5 S Sline Special Ed.

As someone else mentioned, having low profile tyres on 19" rims definately makes the difference. If your that bothered about moving to the left try an SE equivalent with 'proper' tyres. There is a massive difference.

Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupe CDI250 62Reg - Pulling Left - WorkingBeaut

I have a C Class Executive SE, normal 'proper' tyres, bought second hand 4 years ago, ran beautifully. But it's developed a left pull after alignment bolts failed. So I just had it 4-wheel balanced by Steve Bull Specialist Cars in Devizes - but it still pulls to the left!

I'm taking it back. This is my third garage who have failed to fix the problem. Pulls left slightly on the flat. So far cost me £280 total over 3 garages. Will let this thread know how I get on. Seems like Mercedes has created a weakness here. Why is it so hard to fix a steering pull?

Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupe CDI250 62Reg - Pulling Left - bathtub tom

The camber of our roads means all cars pull to the left. This is corrected by putting a tiny bit of steering input to the right. This results in your front tyres wearing more on their left in the shape of a truncated cone. A truncated cone will roll in a circle, accentuating the pull to the left.

The answer is to swap your front wheels, side to side if you can (are the tyres directional?)

If you can't swap the front wheels, swapping front to back may alleviate the problem.

All this is assuming you don't have a dragging brake as mentioned further up this thread.

Edited by bathtub tom on 19/08/2014 at 00:14

Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupe CDI250 62Reg - Pulling Left - skidpan

I have a C Class Executive SE, normal 'proper' tyres, bought second hand 4 years ago, ran beautifully. But it's developed a left pull after alignment bolts failed. So I just had it 4-wheel balanced by Steve Bull Specialist Cars in Devizes - but it still pulls to the left!

I'm taking it back. This is my third garage who have failed to fix the problem. Pulls left slightly on the flat. So far cost me £280 total over 3 garages. Will let this thread know how I get on. Seems like Mercedes has created a weakness here. Why is it so hard to fix a steering pull?

If the tyres have worn in an odd pattern after the the original failure of the bolts it will always pull to the left. Only cure is new tyres, or try swapping front to back.

As said all cars in the UK tend to pull slightly to left due to the road camber. When its safe cross over the white line, bet it pulls to the right then.

Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupe CDI250 62Reg - Pulling Left - WorkingBeaut

I have new tyres, so this isn't an inherited problem.

That's a nice sounding test - crossing over the white line when it's safe to see if it pulls to the right - but...

1. we drive on the left, so surely the car should feel 'straight' on the left?

2. that kind of test proves an engineering balance, but not a driver experience balance

3. before the bolts failed, the car felt great

Anyway, will report back here once I get through the next debate with Steve Bull. They seem decent people.

Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupe CDI250 62Reg - Pulling Left - skidpan

1. we drive on the left, so surely the car should feel 'straight' on the left?

All roads have different amounts of camber so it would be impossible to engineer a car that was perfect on all roads.

Some dual carriageways and motorways have very little camber, on these a car set up to deal with a heavilly cambered road would pull to the right.

Not all tyre deal with camber the same some are very sensitive, some not. Have you rpelaced the tyres with exactly the same as before.

Take the wifes Kia Ceed as an example. On its summer tyres, Michelins, it pulls slightly to the left on cambered roads but runs strait as an arrow on most motorways. On its winter tyres, Klebers, it pulls noticably less on cambered roads but still runs strait as an arrow on motorways.

Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupe CDI250 62Reg - Pulling Left - WorkingBeaut

Yup this seems a fair point.

However, I didn't have any problem with the car until about a year ago. It just got steadily worse.

Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupe CDI250 62Reg - Pulling Left - madf

Alignement bolts failed?

I don't understand .. what bolts are they?

Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupe CDI250 62Reg - Pulling Left - WorkingBeaut

My invoice just says 'alignment bolts'. He had to buy them in specially. £45 + vat

Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupe CDI250 62Reg - Pulling Left - WorkingBeaut

Steve Bull Cars in Devizes have agreed to look at the car again. Not the most enthusiastic of rushes to satisfy the client - more a statement that "the car was in tolerances on a 4-wheel balancing, so it shouldn't be pulling to the left."

He's now suggesting it might be brakes.

I took the car for a test drive:

  1. it pulls to the left clearly on left camber and on centre of road
  2. it VERY mildly drifts to the right on a right camber
  3. the wheels and tyres were warm at journey's end except right rear which was cold
  4. i have to hold the car to keep it driving straight
  5. beginning to wonder of the alignment bolts needed replacing at all

Am I being naiive?

Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupe CDI250 62Reg - Pulling Left - skidpan

beginning to wonder of the alignment bolts needed replacing at all

Am I being naiive?

The front wheel alignment is adjusted by the track rod end which connect the steering rack to the front suspension. They wear eventually but the steering becomes "loose" and vibrates long before you notice any adverse tyre wear.

There is no such thing as alignment bolts.

Did the garage that replaced them have big windows? they certainly saw you coming.

Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupe CDI250 62Reg - Pulling Left - WorkingBeaut

Really? Strewth. They're a reputable specialist apparently. Steve Bull Specialist Cars. Said he'd ordered in Alignment bolts specially.

Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupe CDI250 62Reg - Pulling Left - madf

I read their website. they are Posrsche specialists...

You are not seriuously telling me your had a 1 year old Mercedes worked on by a Porsche specialist?

Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupe CDI250 62Reg - Pulling Left - WorkingBeaut

No :-) the car was worked on by a multi-brand tuning and tracking specialist Steve Bull Specialist Cars in Devizes.

BTW, the image I posted was of what I though mechanics called a Mercedes Alignment bolt. Am I wrong?

Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupe CDI250 62Reg - Pulling Left - WorkingBeaut

There is no such thing as alignment bolts

Would these not be alignment bolts?

Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupe CDI250 62Reg - Pulling Left - skidpan

There is no such thing as alignment bolts

Would these not be alignment bolts?

They are bolts that set the camber and caster. They do not wear out and only need replacing if the car has suffered a heavy knock and the suspension alignment has become severely damaged.

Normally tracking is simply set by adjusting the track rod ends.

OP. Looking back at your first post you say the car was bought second hand 4 years old and has been tracked by 3 garages with no success. I would suggest that before you bought it the car suffered a serious bang to the front end.

Edited by skidpan on 19/08/2014 at 16:10

Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupe CDI250 62Reg - Pulling Left - YG2007

The pulling to the left appears to be a "Feature" of several posts here. Assuming that the various dealers and tyre shops have performed a correct 4 wheel alignment and have found no anomilles then I would be suspicious of the tyres themselves. I am guessing these are on 18" rims and that the tyres are both directional and asymetric. When a tyre is manufactured it is done so in a mould. The rubber solutuon as it cools and solidifies down the mould does so at different rates ( Heavier stuff sinks etc..) so that the tyre bias is not linear but has imperfections which are addressed rotationally with balancing of the wheel. The balance addresses variations in the north south east and west on the tyre but not across the width of the tyre to any great extent meaning the tyre is not necessarily balanced across its tread. At speed this creates a gyroscopic effect which is worse the faster you go. The wider tyres become with a lower aspect ratio the more pronounced the potential problem. I have experienced this phenomena on other vehicles. I wonder if the tyres on these Mercs are supplied from the factory and the fault is linked to the particular tyre manufacture on that particular tyre size?

Assuming you are confident that the geometry is correct for the vehicle 4 wheel alignment + Caster Camber and King pin inclination and there is no obvious damage then this may the next step to go

Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupe CDI250 62Reg - Pulling Left - WorkingBeaut

As for tyres, they're 205/55 R16 91V Radial Tubeless Continentals. New on back and front. Which didn't correct the problem (I tried!)

I've posted the 4-wheel tracking report at

Skidpan - I really appreciate the detail of your comments - thanks so much.

I guess where I am now is return to the specialist, ask him to detail exactly what he's done and observed and post it here.

Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupe CDI250 62Reg - Pulling Left - WorkingBeaut

No it was fine when I bought it, and it has become worse over about a year.

Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupe CDI250 62Reg - Pulling Left - thunderbird

No it was fine when I bought it, and it has become worse over about a year.

Probably as the tyres have aged and become slightly distorted.

Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupe CDI250 62Reg - Pulling Left - WorkingBeaut

As for tyres, they're 205/55 R16 91V Radial Tubeless Continentals. New on back and front. Which didn't correct the problem (I tried!)