2008 Ford Focus 1.8 hatchback - overheating - jackman50

The overheating happened twice already. Engine temp from the 12nn position started climing all the way to the red zone and eventually to the max. Before the overheating happened I noticed the rpm was hunting a bit then the a/c started blowing cold air then the compressor seem to cut off even before the cabin was even cold. It went on like these for 8 times maybe even more then I noticed the engine temp gauge was already at 3/4s then to the red zone. I didnt turn off the engine coz I was caught in heavy traffic. As soon as Ithe traffic started to move slowly about 3kph the engine temp slowly went down to 12nn. Also normally when I turn off the engine you can hear the fan sound like a jet engine of a helicopter winding down. I noticed when the first overheating occured I could faintly hear that sound when I turn off the engine. To test if the fan still worked I allowed the engine to idle for 7 minutes without the a/c and the fan would kick in a bit longer than usual. I experimented by re-arranging the 3 relays located in the fusebox near the battery and as soon as I started the engine the fan kicked in already. I turned off the engine and I heard that beautiful jet engine sound. I think it might just be a defective fan relay. The car only has 65k total and its too early for an fan motor to be replaced..

Edited by jackman50 on 14/12/2012 at 12:59

2008 Ford Focus 1.8 hatchback - overheating - Collos25

I am amazed you are driving the car with this problem but I suppose new engines are cheap.

2008 Ford Focus 1.8 hatchback - overheating - Avant

Moved to Technical, where I hope you will get some constructive advice.

2008 Ford Focus 1.8 hatchback - overheating - Peter.N.

Is it actually overheating or just indicating that it is, are you loosing any water? If you are could be a number of things, faulty thermostat or pump for instance, otherwise it may be just a sensor problem.