I have a huge problem with my seat Leon. A week ago it worked normally, before it went to minus temp and snow. After which I tried it again (roughly 5 days after the cold started), and no start. You can hear some winding noise, before it gives up. The warning lights fire up:
1. Alternator light
2. Breaks/hand break
3. EPC
4. ABS
5. Engine
6. Air Bag
Click to see image of dashboard 01
Click to see image of dashboard 02
Non of them flash, they just appear after i insert the key in, and wait a few seconds. The radio works, so I assume it cant be the alternator/accumulator, but as I am quite in experienced in motoring problems, I might be wrong.
Once it went a bit warmer (+2 c) it still will not start, and compared to the day before, seems to have even less power. When I turn the key, the LCD display displays strange stuff.
Has this got anything to do with the cold or the coolant pump or the accumulator? It’s very strange, just to stop like this. Also, I’m mainly a weekend driver, as I commute to work by train.
I would appreciate any info, suggestions or even ideas what to try. But, as I mentioned, I am in experienced in this stuff, so I might ask a few stupid/obvious question along the way :)
Many thanks in a advance guys, I hope you can somehow help me.
Ps: I checked previous posts, but didn’t find something that seemed related directly.
Best regards,