Focus C-max - Ford Focus almost stalling when slowing - bluearmy

Have problems starting the engine 50% of the time. Sometimes it misfires, sometimes it seems to turn over and then rattles and cuts out.

When I do get it started and apply a little gas and release the rpm needle drops very close to 0 and the engine rattles then revs back up to a bit of an unstable idle.

After setting off it seems ok until I hit some lights or corner, slow down and as I approach a stop or slow turning speed the engine rattles like it wants to stall and sometimes the oil light flickers , sometimes the battery light flickers. It hasnt come to a complete stall yet but I am sure it wont be long. After pulling away its fine again until the next slow down.

After driving around a mile the problem just stops completely. It will start again after the car has been resting for a small amount of time. This morning I was out of it for about an hour and when I came back it fired up straight away but the same rev problem and slow down rattling were back.....But by the time I got home it was ok....

I intend to take it to the local garage this week but could do with knowing a little about what it could be and possibly cost....

Many thanks for looking in....

Focus C-max - Ford Focus almost stalling when slowing - the_bandit

need to clean throttle body?

what type of C-Max or Focus, mileage, service history etc... would help.

Focus C-max - Ford Focus almost stalling when slowing - bluearmy

04 plate. 1.8 petrol. Focus Cmax

Fully serviced.

49k miles