The scam is that he sends you a cheque. Wait a week it clears, money is in your account... he takes the vehicle. Oh good no problem you think.
BUT international cheques don't really clear for several weeks (I think). Not a lot of people know that.
Later on his rubber cheque b'doyngs and the bank immediately takes the cash out of your account.
So five weeks down the line you have no car and a brand new unauthorised overdraft. Nice isn't it.
In the 0.0000000000000000000000001% chance that Malaysia is desperately calling out for say a five year old used toyota, suggest to your buyer than you'll accept his cheque but that you'll put it in an escrow account for six months before releasing the vehicle in month seven.
Make up some excuse like your going into a monastery for six months and will deal after your religious retreat.
Watch Mr Mysterious buyer move on to find suckers anew.