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Have you been cheated or ripped off? - Kirst


· Do you feel you’ve been cheated, ripped off or unable to solve a dispute?

· Have you tried every means of resolving the problem but without success?

· Are you now considering using the Small Claims Court?

Fulcrum TV is looking for people to take part in a new BBC ONE series that aims to show consumers that they have rights and can get justice for themselves by guiding them through the Small Claims Court process.

If you or someone you know is thinking about a Small Claims Court action then please post here and The Legalizer will be in touch.

Have you been cheated or ripped off? - TheLegalizer

Hi All!

Thanks Kirsty. We’re looking for people who are in need of some help and advice for our new BBC 1 series.

The “The Legalizer” is a completely different approach to consumer TV because the series is presented by a highly qualified criminal barrister who uses his legal knowledge to show citizens who feel cheated, ripped off or unjustly treated that they are not helpless and can resolve things for themselves, using the law, via the Small Claims Court, if necessary. And we will stick with the case until it is resolved.

We’d like to hear from people who feel that they are out of pocket through no fault of their own and who are thinking of taking the matter further.

So if you’ve been sold a wreck, had a shoddy repair done, got a recurring fault, been let down by your insurer or taken for a ride in any way let us know.

When you’ve tried everything else.... you can always call on... “The Legalizer!”

Have you been cheated or ripped off? - oldroverboy

Someone, perhaps one of the mods could get bluebeasty to take part with his BMW problems....

Have you been cheated or ripped off? - stoney123


i purchased a car in july 2011 which i had paid £42000 for. i did all the checks..a local car show room did a hpi as well. It all come back clear.

in august i was stoped by the police in a routine stop. i was caryying over a £1000 so they arrested me to enquire where i had got the money from.

When i was in custody they did some checks on my car. The results come back as my car had 10stolen parts. the windowns, lights, mirrors and and a seat.

i was arested and charged for handling stolen goods. however when they discovered i had done al the neccessarry checks and the stolen parts where not related to me they had drop the charges.

when i asked for my car back they kept giving me dates on when they will give me the car back. I was told last week that i would not be getting the car back and it will be going back to the insurance comapany of the vihicle where the 10 stolen parts had come from. i told the police that they or the insurance company can take the 10 stolen parts and give me back the rest of the car as it is not stolen and of which i have paid for.

the police where having none of it and was told to take the insurance company to court.

i would be greatfull if someone can tell mewhere i stand in this situation. surely the insurance company cant take the whole car on the fact they own 10parts??

Have you been cheated or ripped off? - KazCook


Great timing I hope. I am one of many who have posted on this forum regarding the premature failure of the automatic gearbox of a Ford C-Max 1.6TDCi maufactured between 2004 and 2005 using a CVT part CFT23 (the gearbox) which have failed at very low mileages. Even honest john have advised against buying this model!!!! Too late for myself as my car has been off road since January and requires a very costly replacement of a reconditioned gearbox - even Ford cant supply new ones and parts are not obtainable to gearbox specialists for repairs. It is also suggested on this site that the problem is an incompatability with the engine meaning that it will fail again even if it was repaired/replaced. It is likely that another case will reach county court and set a precedent for others to use to seek compensation but meanwhile I need to pursue my own claim using SOGA "durability" as my gearbox only reached 36,000 miles (12,000 by myself). We seem to have exhausted the complaints procedure with the trader and need to decide whether to get more technical evidence (more expense) before my partner can start a small claims - receipt was in his name - we also do not know who to take to court as there is the matter of the Ford service centre failing to look at the gearbox twice before it finally packed up (not wanting to upset the parent company perhaps?!? or how much to claim for, as its more for compensation rather than the cost of a repair we dont want. Others have tried watchdog but they have not taken up our cause so far (been going on since 2009). Please check out our forum discussions on this site and if you can help me/us I would be very grateful as I do feel overwhelmed by the SOGA even though I have spoken to CAB, consumer direct (before it closed) and trading standards many times since January!!!!!! Thank you. Regards Kaz.

Have you been cheated or ripped off? - Titan500

I feel very cheated indeed, along with a good number of other folk currently contributing to a thread here on Honest John.


We have all been seriously let down by the law ! We are all the innocent victims of car theft, but have been refused assistance by the boys in blue, despite in most cases, the police knowing exactly where our stolen cars are. It would seem that if your car is stolen from you, but the police feel it maybe difficult to secure a conviction, then the theft is no longer a crime, but becomes a civil matter ! They then wash their hands of you, and advise, you will have to take the current keeper to court yourself to recover your stolen car...what a load of tosh ! The law states that a buyer cannot inherit any better title than the seller, the stolen car therefore remains stolen forever, regardless of how innocent the buyer may be.

I have referred to a documentary that I watched recently, in one of my more recent posts, where police officers were confiscating caravans from apparently innocent campers, as on examination, the caravans appeared stolen. Not once did these officers tell the new keepers that their caravan has been reported stolen, but we are not interested, and you can keep it until the real owner wins a case in court against you. In every instance, the stolen caravans were towed away by the police there and then. I fail to understand why a different set of rules apply to cars?

Please take the time to read the entire thread, and I sincerely hope you feel there is something you can do to help us and right this wrong.


Have you been cheated or ripped off? - TheBaronGroog

I'm with Paul, the Police are ripping us off!

We pay our taxes and can then expect to receive a certain level of service, alas the Police are of a different opinion and don't look at cases on a basis of justice, more on a basis of their chances of making a conviction.

There is no-one to answer our complaints, the Police pass you to their own force complaints dept who rather surprisingly tell you the Police have done nothing wrong.

The IPCC won't investigate a force's conduct-just that of individual officers, so they're no use.

MPs seem to have "more important" things on their plate.

Who can we turn to? If I paid my taxes on credit card I'd be claiming them back!

Please show us how we can:

Take the persons in possesion of our cars to court.

Take the Police to court-after all they are clearly "perverting the course of justice"

Get the laws changed so there aren't more people put in our unfortunate position.


Have you been cheated or ripped off? - concrete

Hi All!

Thanks Kirsty. We’re looking for people who are in need of some help and advice for our new BBC 1 series.

The “The Legalizer” is a completely different approach to consumer TV because the series is presented by a highly qualified criminal barrister who uses his legal knowledge to show citizens who feel cheated, ripped off or unjustly treated that they are not helpless and can resolve things for themselves, using the law, via the Small Claims Court, if necessary. And we will stick with the case until it is resolved.

We’d like to hear from people who feel that they are out of pocket through no fault of their own and who are thinking of taking the matter further.

So if you’ve been sold a wreck, had a shoddy repair done, got a recurring fault, been let down by your insurer or taken for a ride in any way let us know.

When you’ve tried everything else.... you can always call on... “The Legalizer!”

I think the expression 'can of worms' springs to mind. I hope you have a dozen or so barristers ready and waiting for the flood. A classic case is from Jimmyears yesterday. He could use this service. Cheers Concrete

Have you been cheated or ripped off? - 1litregolfeater

Where I live, the Police (not the pop group featuring Sting) hang around in alley ways and pub car parks waiting for a driver to go past without a seat belt, or using her mobile phone.

Have they really nothing better to do?

I don't know how much a fully kitted officer with a car costs to the the taxpayer, but it sounds like an awful waste of taxpayer money to me.

And you're paying for this through your council tax. Welcome to Rip-Off Britain.

Have you been cheated or ripped off? - Elly 107

Hi Kirsty,

My vans reconditioned engine has seized after 12 weeks and 3500 miles. The engine came from International parts ltd with a 12 month/12000 mile warranty. The local garage took the engine out and returned it to them. Who after many weeks said they have voided the warranty as they could smell Easi start within the engine. The only person to use Easi start was the AA patrol who came to the breakdown. The AA say its not their fault as the engine had already broken. I have had to hire a replacement van as I need it for my work. I want to take someone to court to get this sorted but who am I supposed to take? The garage that fitted the engine, International parts who supplied the engine or the AA who voided the warranty?

Have you been cheated or ripped off? - DavidNewson

Hello - I am glad that I havbe seen this post.

I have just lost an appeal with the Ombudsman to reverse my insurers decision to not payout on a theft claim on my vehicle. My car was stolen over 18 months ago. But because there isn't enough theft damage the insurer decided not to pay. We appealed - our appeal was originally upheld. The insurer rejected teh findings and it went to full appeal - which we have now just lost.

My and my wife are fully comprehensive. We have no no-claims to lose because of an accident which was our fault. There was foreign DNA and finger prints in our car that dont belong to me or my family/friends. The insurer admitted to us in an email they didnt think we were responsible. Yet, because of the lack of theft damage, we have lost our claim. No windows were broken and the steering column wasnt tampered with. Even though the Police suggest it was.

We have lost, but now our only hope is to take them to small claims court. We had legal cover with the insurance, but because the underwriter is the same, they wont support us, so we are having to fund this ourselves.

I feel totally let down by the system, purely because I'm not a car theft and never been in trouble in my life, I cannot prove the car was stolen, so I lose!

Have you been cheated or ripped off? - Avant

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In future please start a new post if you have a problem not related to an existing thread.

This one is now read-only.