Peugeot 307 - Peugeot 307 HDi struggling to start - UJU

Hi all,

Just a quick question about my 307. Just recently its been struggling to start. The best way I can describe the symptoms is it turns over a few times as normal, then "half starts" for anything up to 5 seconds then it starts. When it "half starts" the cranking picks up pace but if I release the key the engine will stop. It is a bit like there is some ignition but not enough to start the engine. Sometimes the car will start pretty much straight away as it should.

The problem occurs when the weather is hot or cold but seems to be worse in the cold. Whether the engine is hot or cold seems to make no difference so I think I can safely rule out the glow plugs.

I read on another forum that it could be the coolant temperature this likely? Or what else could it be?

The car has just had a new MAF so that is fine and there are no faults recorded on the ECU. 2003, 68K HDi 2.0 110
