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Any - Stupid excuses after a crash - pcvpilotmick

A few days ago, I was taking my son to school. I parked in a space approx 75 yards from school, and was waiting for a gap in traffic so I could open my drivers door without the passing traffic removing it. While I was waiting, I noticed one of the other parents from school overtake me, slow down whist indicating right to turn up a street about 50 yards further down the road. He was stationary for about 4 seconds waiting to turn right and then a HGV came past me with all its wheels locked and slid straight into the back of the unfortunate gentleman's car. I immediately got out of my car and went to see if the man and his son (who was in the back of the car were alright. The HGV 's driver got out and his imediate response was "sorry pal, it just slid." Now call me cynical, but a "professional" driver should know that on a wet road your braking distance will be vastly increased, therefore you should increase the distance between you and the car in front, so this struck me as a very poor excuse for some completely incompetent motoring. What is the best/worst/daftest excuse for crashing that you have ever heard?

Any - Stupid excuses after a crash - Avant

If you google 'excuses for accidents' you'll find a rich vein of these: I won't infringe copyright by cutting and pasting them all, but you know the sort of thing:

'I collided with a stationary lorry cimin rhe other way', and

'I have been driving for 40 years and I fell asleep at the wheel'.

There was a splendid insurance claim from someone whose car collided with a cow:

'What warning if any did you give of your approach?'

'I sounded my horn.'

'What warning if any did the other party give of his/her approach?'


Any - Stupid excuses after a crash - pcvpilotmick

If you google 'excuses for accidents' you'll find a rich vein of these: I won't infringe copyright by cutting and pasting them all, but you know the sort of thing:

'I collided with a stationary lorry cimin rhe other way', and

'I have been driving for 40 years and I fell asleep at the wheel'.

There was a splendid insurance claim from someone whose car collided with a cow:

'What warning if any did you give of your approach?'

'I sounded my horn.'

'What warning if any did the other party give of his/her approach?'


Thanks Avant, but I was hoping for personal anecdotes!!!! Moo!

Any - Stupid excuses after a crash - daveyjp
The favourite when someone who is hit after emerging from a junction. "the other driver was going too fast". If that is true why did the driver who was hit pull out?
Any - Stupid excuses after a crash - expatsFL


A friend of mine actually ran into a cow a while ago, (it was in the middle of the road around a corner and to make it worse, was one of his dads), in his mini. From the bonnet the car was flattened, in a str8 line. He was OK apart from losing his finger tips when the roof snapped down on his fingers around the wheel!

Any - Stupid excuses after a crash - jamie745

This morning i got into my car, pulled out of my drive and was hit by a Bus.

The Bus...was five minutes early!!

Any - Stupid excuses after a crash - bathtub tom

My car was hit in a cul-de-sac, parked overnight outside a relatives home.

The guy who reversed into it said he always reversed up to the junction because no-one had parked there before!

Any - Stupid excuses after a crash - oldroverboy
Any - Stupid excuses after a crash - Buster Cambelt

Absolutely true story this one - and an indictment of modern Britain to boot.

On a cold and murky morning last autumn the receptionist who works for one of my customers was involved in a minor fender bender. Unfortunately for her it was all witnessed by a local copper.

She was driving along in light traffic in near darkness with no lights on. Someone pulled out in front of her and there was a sub10mph shunt. At the scene the third party claimed 'whiplash' and an ambulance was called.

So why were the lights not on? The receptionist's Golf had auto lights and the sensor had failed. She knew it had been dodgy for a while. By luchtime the whole accident was VW's fault and she was planning to sue them, while (presumably) being sued by the charlatan with whiplash.

The receptionist was charged with driving without due care (or whatever the words are now) at the scene.

I must ask my customer if said receptionist found a 'no win no fee' solicitor to take on the case against VW or if her insurers simply coughed up to the chancer with 'whiplash'.

Any - Stupid excuses after a crash - Bobbin Threadbare

I was on a driving lesson on a warm, sunny, dry day in Spring. I approached a roundabout, and stopped to look around and make my signal and so on. The taxi coming up behind me ploughed into the back of my car and pushed me onto the roundabout.

Now, I know learners can be slow but he must've seen my brake lights. We both pulled into a side road to get out and inspect the damage.

His excuse? 'The taxi slipped on black ice'.

Luckily there were only some scuffs as a result, but it's pretty unnerving to be shunted when you're only out on your 5th lesson!

Any - Stupid excuses after a crash - Icey

I was hit from behind at a roundabout by a transit type van on my way to work.

Normally the roundabout is controlled by lights but on this particular morning they were broken. The van driver claimed that there was nothing coming round the roundabout and I shouldn't have slowed down. She then insisted she wanted the Police called.

Fine I thought and called them myself.

A few minutes later her husband turned up and came up to me to say he had explained to her that it was her fault and I could go. I explained I wasn't going anywhere until the Police arrived.

Then she came up and said the same thing. Naturally she got the same reply.

When the Police arrived they explained to her that I was entitled to slow wherever I want and it was 100% her fault. They didn't even bother with my details and sent me on my way whilst they dealt with her.

Although my car was driveable to get me to work, it was written off later that day. Luckily for me it was a company car so it was only a minor inconvenience, but I'm now much more aware of how close the vehicle behind me is.

Any - Stupid excuses after a crash - jamie745

Ok this ones actually real and my only instance of an 'accident.'

My old 406 HDi Exec, parked up in Argos car park which is pretty big and there were only about 4 other cars in there at the time as i was there shortly before closing. Park up with around 15 empty spaces round me and popped in the shop, walking towards the car i see some woman in a Zafira going to park behind and smashes straight into the rear of the car. Way too fast for a car park (i wonder if she got brake and accelerator mixed up) and quite badly damaged the rear.

I had an argument with the woman who followed the typical advice of 'dont admit fault' and i asked her why in a car park with a hundred empty spaces she had to try to park behind me and she had no answer. In the end i decided the car wasnt worth much money and using the insurance would probably mean i pay more than its worth in future premium rises and eventually just sold it for spares, the guy who bought it said he might have it fixed up to drive but i dont know if he did. Shame because it was a great car, even more of a shame as that then let Mrs Zafira off the hook.

Any - Stupid excuses after a crash - injection doc

Many years ago driving a coach, stopped at a zebra xing and a slight bump was felt. An Austin11 had gone into the back of the coach. Her excuse was she was only running her kids few hundred yards down the road to school and left her glasses at home !

Her name was Mrs Whalley !!!!!!!!! Thats not made up its 100% true. Her vision was so bad she couldnt even see the paper let alone where to write her name and address for me ! she was really embarresed and even apologised for her name before she gave it to me !

Any - Stupid excuses after a crash - TeeCee

Not too long ago I was berated by my wife for stopping over the line at a set of red lights by about 3/4 of the car's length.

My response was that if she cared to look back, she'd see the sheepishly grinning driver in the following car stopped a foot behind us. I pointed out that if I had stopped on the line we'd still have ended up pretty much where we were, but the car would be slightly shorter.....

Any - Stupid excuses after a crash - fredthefifth

Gor T-Boned by a woman pulling out of a side turning one. Said the sun was in her eyes and she couldn't see!!

Any - Stupid excuses after a crash - jamie745

Yeah cos when you cant see the first thing you think to do is to put your foot down and pull out of a junction isnt it.

Any - Stupid excuses after a crash - Paul G1pdc

I had bought a mk3 astra 3 weeks before it got rear ended...

I was stationary at RED traffic lights and in neutral gear as I was about 4 cars back from the lights with the handbrake on.. then wack....., a citroen AX hit me...bent the boot, and split the bumper, and took out the tail lights...the driver said....

I don't know why I drove today as I only live 200metres from work and we're going for a leaving drink later, and i saw you but was thinking about other things.......

(hmmm drink driving as well might have been on the cards then!!!)

anyway her car was a state. radiator and contents all over the place, wheels pointing in funny directions..

all sorted out by her insurance company, but boot and rear doors never did close properly after that....so sold it 12months later and bought a Fiesta RS turbo.....hubba hubba....

Any - Stupid excuses after a crash - brum

"Its your fault!"