Dave how could I possibly forget you?! You were a great mate to me.
Yes, I remember the emails between us. As you've probably gathered, I'm not on here much these days. Having had a disagreement with HJ's publisher, I resigned my role of moderator on here back in Feb 2010. A new establishment opened up down the road while the builders were ripping this place to shreds. I'm not allowed to mention its name as HJ sees us as a rival to him. Quite a few of us from here ended up socialising there instead, and a lot of us have stayed there since. Among other things the beer is cheaper, there are less intruding adverts, and the toilets are cleaner too. We're having a drive installed at the moment, but that is still hush hush. Got to be careful what I say about that, you never know who's listening.
Dave am i right in thinking that my constant non-motoring stuff led to the original 'I have a question' stuff?
From what I recall you spent a lot of your time in Technical Matters asking questions about your white Astra estate. Being a Vauxhall owners since 1985, I was able to answer a lot of your questions.
The old days were good
They were, but as I said earlier, a lot of us have moved on and are continuing the good old days elsewhere.