You need to find out if the noises are due to the engine running on, or something else. Get someone to switch off for you while you've got your head under the bonnet.
Engine running on can be caused by a faulty "stop solenoid" on the fuel injection pump, which might allow the engine to struggle on for a couple of beats before it gives in. If the stop solenoid fails completely (stuck open), it can allow the engine to run on indefinitely, so the Lucas injection pump has a special lever (marked "Stop") to allow you to force the engine to stop in these circumstances. There may be a similar lever on Bosch injection pumps.
If the engine isn't running on, it might just be that something is loose and rattles when the engine turns off. Head under the bonnet is still the answer.
Either way, it's unlikely to be anything to do with the alternator or timing belts.
Ian, thanks for the advice, i'll give it a look over the weekend. Hopefully the weather will be wet enough (didn't think I would ever say that!!!!!)
Thanks Jon, i'll bear that in in mind in the future.
Loose or badly positioned exhaust pipe mountings can allow the exhaust pipe to hit the bodywork a couple of times while the engine vibrates to a stop. This "knock knock" or "bang bang" could possibly be described as sounding like a ratchet.