Ford Mondeo 1.8 TD - Mondeo 1.8 TD Mk2 (99) - engine fans never come on - PhilG

Hey folks,

I picked up a cheap 1999 Mondeo diesel recently which has a problem that has me scratching my head. I noticed last night that while sitting still, the temperature guage creeps up and up and the engine fans never come on. I chickened out when it was heading towards H and turned it off to let it cool down.

So far I've:

Checked the fans to make sure they're not stuck

Checked all the 60A fuses in the PDU / Aux fuse box in the engine

Checked the connections from the PDU to the fans are snug and not corroded/dirty

Placed my hand on the large pipe leading to the top of the radiator- it's warm/hot.

Had our local mechanic take a look- he found a wire for the A/C that had been chafing against something and taped it up, but no joy.

I gather I should unplug the sender from the thermostat and that should kick the fans on after a few seconds- do I find the t/stat on the front left-ish of the engine with the large hose going from it to the radiator? If so, is the connector I need the brownish one on top that needs to be squeezed to remove?

I'm going to test the relays in a bit with another battery and a multimeter- anything in particular I should be looking for or doing?

My gut feeling is that it's a relay or a connection somewhere, as if the radiator feed pipe is warm, that means the t/stat is working and letting hot coolant enter the radiator, correct?

Is there anything else you guys can suggest? I haven't done any car maintenance for a few years so I'm quite rusty and not used to the Mondeo engines at all, but I'm willing to give most things a try. The car's not worth enough to consider taking it to Fraud and with the hot weather almost on us, I'd really like to get this fixed before I have a serious problem.

Thanks in advance!


Ford Mondeo 1.8 TD - Mondeo 1.8 TD Mk2 (99) - engine fans never come on - PhilG

Just to add briefly to this: the mechanic and I fiddled with the thermostat sender plugs, and the grey one coming out of the right hand side of the t/stat when viewed from the front of the car, seems to not be locking onto the switch properly; clip's broken. The fans do immediately spin up and stay on when that's disconnected.

I have a new switch arriving today; hopefully that'll fix it but I'm not optimistic because there's only ~4mm difference between pushing the plug onto the switch versus letting go. What should I try if that doesn't cure it?

Ford Mondeo 1.8 TD - Mondeo 1.8 TD Mk2 (99) - engine fans never come on - PhilG

ECU sender replaced, thermostat replaced and full coolant flush performed.

Fans still never come on and it's definitely hot enough. Anyone care to weigh in?

Ford Mondeo 1.8 TD - Mondeo 1.8 TD Mk2 (99) - engine fans never come on - Collos25

Have you bothered to check to see if there is a supply to the fans when you think they should be on,or put a supply to them to see if they actually do work.

Edited by Andy Bairsto on 16/04/2011 at 23:21

Ford Mondeo 1.8 TD - Mondeo 1.8 TD Mk2 (99) - engine fans never come on - PhilG


Ford Mondeo 1.8 TD - Mondeo 1.8 TD Mk2 (99) - engine fans never come on - unthrottled

Are you talking about the main coolant thermostat (situated near/in the engine block) or the secondary loop thermostat (situated near the radiator)? During the cold spell, my engine coolant froze (result of gradual topping up of water) and the engine began to overheat. The fan did not come on becuse the coolant in the radiator was cold since it couldn't circulate from the engine. Clearly this isn't happening in your case, but if the secondary loop temperature sensor is faulty, that might explain your problem.

Ford Mondeo 1.8 TD - Mondeo 1.8 TD Mk2 (99) - engine fans never come on - PhilG

The main coolant t/stat near the block. I've replaced it already with the Ford original spare and it's the right one- the orange connector facing towards the front of the car definitely controls the guage. Perhaps the rad sender/switch acting up will make the ECU think the rad is cooling the engine well enough and therefore won't turn the fans on? Kinda fishing in the dark here...

I think the rad switch is the last thing to try. I mean, I've replaced the sender, replaced the t/stat (what a horrible mucky job that was when we started flushing with a hose) and checked that the fans actually do work.

I guess the very last course of action is to rig some sort of b***** switch into the cabin so I can flip them on at will, unless anyone has any bright ideas.

Ford Mondeo 1.8 TD - Mondeo 1.8 TD Mk2 (99) - engine fans never come on - PhilG

Stupid smartphone doesn't like this website, hence the L response. Sigh.

Yes, the engine fans come on when the ECU sender is unplugged while the engine is running. They stop when you plug it back in- I've heard this is the standard wiring + fuses + relays + fan motors test.

Ford Mondeo 1.8 TD - Mondeo 1.8 TD Mk2 (99) - engine fans never come on - unthrottled

Like you said the radiator switch is the last thing to try.

tbh, unless you're envisaging towing, or crawling up hills very slowly, I'd risk it! You don't need a lot of airflow through the radiator for forced convection to work, and diesels have a lot of internal cooling air anyway.

Ford Mondeo 1.8 TD - Mondeo 1.8 TD Mk2 (99) - engine fans never come on - PhilG

This is true- we're going down to Devon in July from near Kent and I was kinda concerned that the old girl will overheat in that weather if we get stuck in traffic. I suppose I could just jump out and pull the ECU sender cable to force the fans on or something though if it gets too hot, but I can't help tinkering!

I'll try a rad sender and report back. If nothing else, we did give it a damn good coolant flush and it really needed it, so that's something. Cheers :)

Edited by PhilG on 17/04/2011 at 14:54

Ford Mondeo 1.8 TD - Mondeo 1.8 TD Mk2 (99) - engine fans never come on - unthrottled

Oh, it needs sorting, but in the meantime don't avoid driving it! Bit concerned about the grime in the coolant passages-the previous owner must have run it with straight water-'it's not cold so I don't need antifreeze...'

Ford Mondeo 1.8 TD - Mondeo 1.8 TD Mk2 (99) - engine fans never come on - PhilG

Yeah I'm not sure what happened to it more than a year ago- my brother had it for 10 months and I bought it at 112k on the clock and while it's mechnically sound, I think the previous owners had an approach of "top up the levels before selling it" which means it's just running on a mixture of water and rust with a bit of antifreeze. It's on a 50/50 mix of the proper stuff now, but it took a good few minutes of flushing to get the water clear. He did at least change the oil every six months.

The thermostat was a delightful rusty-orange colour and sticking too.

Ford Mondeo 1.8 TD - Mondeo 1.8 TD Mk2 (99) - engine fans never come on - PhilG

Guys, where the hell is the radiator switch? Haynes say it's on the bottom of the thermostat housing but it really isn't. I can see something when peering down the back of the radiator when standing in front of the car, a small loop of cable going into a connector on the bottom-right of the radiator (i.e. the passenger side, rear of the radiator, bottom).

Is that it? Did they move it?

Ford Mondeo 1.8 TD - Mondeo 1.8 TD Mk2 (99) - engine fans never come on - PhilG

Anyone? I can't seem to get a straight, logical answer out of anyone I talk to :-/

Ford Mondeo 1.8 TD - Mondeo 1.8 TD Mk2 (99) - engine fans never come on - jc2

I doubt this model has a seperate switch-it will be controlled from the ECU-the temperature signal to the module will be from the thermostat housing-either front or side dependent on age.

Ford Mondeo 1.8 TD - Mondeo 1.8 TD Mk2 (99) - engine fans never come on - PhilG

Thank you. Can you suggest anything I can try apart from sender and thermostat?