Mercedes-Benz A-Class - Suing small trade in court over faulty car - DTR


I bought W-reg A170 for £1850 from a small and apparently very scummy dealer in London. Next day - the gearbox packed up. I have an impressive quote from Mr Clutch in Bristol, writing a demanding letter to the seller, and complained to trading standards. He doesn't reply, and trading standards look completely useless at this stage. It looks like I am going to court to get my money back. My insurance is due to run out on the 12th March so I need some sensible action plan in place asap.

Would I stand a realistic chance in court to get anything back? Can I repair it in the meantime and sue, thus avoiding buying another car in the meantime and having two expensive insurance policies? SORN is a possibility if I can mangage to find a willing neighbour or somehow make a drive under tight budget.

Mercedes-Benz A-Class - Suing small trade in court over faulty car - LucyBC

It's a refund case. Within a day with a major fault you just reject the car. The problem then is if he refuses you are on the litigation route and that could take six months. Then we have to collect.

First thing to do is give me all the details via :

Make, Model, Reg Plate
Purchase date
Your address and contact details
His address and contact details - and how he trades (ltd co or sole trader) and as what
Timeline of events
Copies of any correspondence / bill of sale etc

to see if we can resolve it without litigation.

In any event I think you should be looking for somewher off the road to SORN the car.