Hello, We have a 2006 (on a 55 plate) Berlingo multispace desire model. I have only today found your web site and am desperate for advice. It seems that the problem I have has already been discussed to a certain degree but I seem to have multiple versions of it and wonder if anyone can recap for me.
a) we too got the beeps in the rain but these disappeared
b)I broke down last thursday on my way up to the north and the engine light came on and stayed on. I heard whooshing noises, lost power and whining when accelerating, which reduced if I took my foot off the accelerator. First look bya garage diagnosed the EGR malfunctioning but when car was put into garage diagnosis changed to turbo bearing!!! This went from a quick clear up job to replacement turbo at cost of around £960. We were told wear and tear was the problem. On a 5 year old car? We have not had the job done yet for reasons which will follow
c)Since then someone else has said that the turbo rarely just goes and that there must be an underlying problem which caused this and that this problem will remain even if we replace turbo. We don't know who to believe. Car has not been starved of oil but we also had the oil low warning lights intermittently and ignorantly topped up with a little oil. Has this caused our problems?
d) The last garage also noticed fuel around (I think) a couple of the injectors!! Does this mean injectors have gone and could this be related to the windscreen washer problem. Has injector problem caused turbo problem. Should we spend lots of cash on this in the hope that all will be well or are we flogging a dead horse here. I am really worried that we will spend money we can ill afford to get a good job done only to find down the road that further problems need sorting. Should we have repaired and then get rid.
Please help, we are desperate for advice and have no knowledge of engines and no money to waste, particularly around £1,000!! We seem to have a combination of many faults.
Edited by Pete&Gill on 24/11/2010 at 12:57