I recently bought an 03 Modeo from a trade company who are part of 'West Yorkshire Trading Standards Motor Trade Partnership for £3000. The price was above what I would have liked to have payed but having the assurance of a 'reputable company' was worth the extra money to me. Plus I'm no car mechanic and thought there would be an extra element of trust.
Before purchasing I took it for a test drive and it drove well. The only issue was a knocking noise on start-up which I was advised was normal for a diesel and it was put in writing that the issue would be fixed.
After driving the car away, 2 or 3 engine starts later it sounded like a bag of spanners was being washed under the bonnet, the engine wouldn't rev and the cluth stuck flat to the floor. After switching the engine off and starting again, it did the knock but ticked over if not a bit noisy. I had a mechanic mate look at it for peace of mind and he straight away that it's most likely a fault with the Dual Mass Flywheel and it sould need to be replaced.
I contacted the dealer who said he'd look at it but said it's very unlikely theres anything wrong with the DMF. At the dealership, he took it for a drive and flatly denied it to be a DMF issue, even though the horrible spanners under the bonnet issue arose on two occasions. He had a quiet word with his service manager who advised to have an update to the ECU which should solve the problem and that it should be booked into Benfield Ford down the road to have this (which would've taken over a week to arrange!).
Unhappy with this response, I took the car to Benfield myself just to discuss with a mechanic there what was wrong. They had a quick once over on the car and offered that it was a suspected DMF fault and would require the gearbox to be dropped to fix at nearly 1/3 price I payed for the car in the first place!
I researched my rights and contacted the dealership to advise them I wasn't accepting the car under the SOGA and would require a refund. This issue wouldn't manifest overnight and any twobit mechanic must've known the problem existed. I confirmed my rejection in writing.
The dealership responded saying that just because Benfield Ford SUSPECTED There was a DMF issue, didn't mean there was one and that they wanted to check it themselves (what more could they do though seen as they would have to drop the gearbox themselves at huge expense just to check!) It was apparent I was just getting fobbed off.
After speaking to Trading Standards, they suggested giving the dealer the chance to fix the car before rejecting the car. I let them book the car into Benfield themselves for the ECU update and an IDF check. It came back
with no faults technically but that they advised the gearbox needed removing as they suspect flywheel problems.
The dealer came back to me saying it would cost them £705 to fix the DMF with new clutch and they would pay 50% towards. I'm absolutely fuming and believe I should have to pay anything else senn as they knew the problem existed when I bought the car. I have been without the car since I bought it a month ago, I have been paying insurance on the car, and also insurance on a 2nd vehicle in order to get to work.
Could someone please suggest what I am entitled to do in the eyes of the law bearing in mind they did say (in writing) they would fix the 'knock on start' issue?