Always a risk at this mileage I think the petrol v diesel argument is irrelevant at this mileage, I had a Volvo run to over 200,000 miles used as a towcar and apart from routine stuff was o.k.Also I ran a Renault Laguna Diesel to 150,000 miles also as a towcar and again no real problems apart from routine service stuff.
As previous posts have pointed out try to find-out what the cars have towed in the past most caravanners are aware these days of having the right combination of car and caravan as to not put too much strain on the car.
Of the two I would look at the Skoda for one good reason, look at how many high mileage Skodas are still being used as taxis at starship mileages.
Edited by Avant on 02/09/2010 at 20:07