Today whilst on my way up the M69 I spotted a group of kids (about 10-15 years old) standing on the hard sholder, as i got closer one of them began to try to cross in front of me, luckily he soon realised that he would not make it and stopped before he left the hard shoulder. Although I didnt have to take any evasive action, I very nearly did.
I was obviously worried for the safety of the kids and other motorists so I pulled on the the hard shoulder and dialled 999, reported what was going on and then set off again. By the time I had safely slowed down and pulled off, the kids were miles back so I couldn't confront them personally.
I might have called 112 but I forgot that number existed until much later. Would kids trying to cross a motorway be considered an emergency? I felt like a bit of a busy body calling the police to be honest but felt that these kids were in serious danger. I've just been wondering since, did I do the right thing?
Edited by Tommk4 on 30/08/2010 at 23:45