What can you remember as `free` gifts, from petrol stations?
I can remember being in an Aunt`s car as a kid and the petrol attendant (remember them?) giving me free key rings at every fill up.
Writing that brings back the memory of the very different aroma of Super Shell - contrasted with Shell Mex.. (If i remember the names correctly)
But key rings. There was decent looking one from Regent - notably it had a triangular shaped metal forming the round ring.
The attractive plastic Regent badge soon broke off - but the ring part was kept due to it`s large size - and that odd triangular cross section of the metal keeping it distinct in memory - as to it`s origin.
Keys built up on it as time went buy, many of them redundant. Other keyrings were clipped to it and in the end it was like a jailers joy.
Until that is, one day it fell down my leg, inside my jeans, though that hole in my pocket - when I was slipping out of an ongoing lecture.
CLUNK! - How the class howled at that...
I`ve never worn a pair of jeans with a hole in the pocket since and the `jailers set piece` was sent to the bin.
Any memories?
Edited by oilrag on 21/06/2010 at 11:59