I have just received in the post a PCN from Enfield Council . The wording is as follows:
The PCN is being served by post on the basis of a record produced by an approved device. The vehicle indentified above was observed at (TIME) on (DATE) and the authority believes that a penalty charge is payable on the grounds of the following alleged parking contravention:
Parked with one or more wheels on or over a footpath or any part of a road other than a carriageway
Location: XXXXXXXXRoad EnX-cctv Static Camara M1
Date of Contravention: (DATE) Time: (TIME)
There is also a couple of photos. Whilst I do not deny what they are claiming, when parking there was a single yellow line and I was outside the restrictions. I was only just on the pavement, and I made sure I left more than enough room on the pathway for prams/wheelchairs etc., in fact the photo shows that my tyres are on curb and pavement. I was also unaware that you could not park on any of the pavement (my ignorance I know).
My question is do I have grounds to appeal as there does not appear to be a law quoted such as 622 as I have seen on other posts and there are also spelling mistakes on the PCN which I have typed above as it is on the PCN.
If I have a case what should I say.
Edited by HeadScratcher on 02/06/2010 at 18:30