Peugeot 205 diesel hatch - N/S front wheel no drive - juniorepd

Hi, I have lost drive on the n/s front wheel discovered after jacking up the front end. Guess this is a drive shaft issue but is this an easy remedy with replacing or not cost effective? How difficult is this to replace DIY or garage.

The car now has 250,000 on the clock but still runs well and is in great condition for L reg.

Peugeot 205 diesel hatch - N/S front wheel no drive - Avant

Moved to Technical to give you a better chance of finding advice. This reply will bring it up to the top of the list.

Edited by Avant on 06/04/2010 at 22:19

Peugeot 205 diesel hatch - N/S front wheel no drive - Peter.N.

Presumably you dont have any drive at all then as the diff will rotate so you have no drive to the O/S either. Could be that the drive shaft has slid out of the diff although this is most likely to happen on the O/S where there is a centre bearing on the shaft.

Peugeot 205 diesel hatch - N/S front wheel no drive - DP

I agree with Peter. If you'd lost drive to one wheel, the car wouldn't move at all as the diff would rotate.

How did you test it? If you jacked the car up and let it tickover in gear, something like a binding brake on the nearside could be enough to stop the wheel rotating - the lack of load/resistance on the other wheel would just ensure the drive got diverted there instead. Does the wheel rotate freely with the car out of gear? Some minor brake drag / noise is normal, but the wheel should rotate a couple of times with a good spin.

Peugeot 205 diesel hatch - N/S front wheel no drive - juniorepd

Thanks for advice but has turned out to be the wheel bearing...... now fixed and running well again and hoping to get to the 300,000 miles. Great engine regular oil and filter changes and its sweet. Usual 205 brakes but am used to rthat now..

Peugeot 205 diesel hatch - N/S front wheel no drive - bathtub tom

OK! You've boggled lots of minds. Can we have a more detailed explanation of your original diagnosis and subsequent fix please?