Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - oilrag
I have been reflecting on the positive aspects of motoring in the UK - contrasted with elsewhere. Massive efforts have been made to allow the motorist to be mobile - regulations, cameras regulating the speed of idiots - and allowing regular motorists to drive normally - and so on. The much maligned Heath And Safety - risk assessments - underpinning and enhancing our life experiences.

I regularly see a Gent I knew around 10yrs ago. At that time he was driving a Landcruiser and was fit, young looking - and a decade younger than me.
Now, I see him moving along the outer ring road, heading in towards the City - he`s wearing an all enveloping cape that covers him from the neck down - and the working parts of his powered wheelchair - just leaving the wheels exposed.

He looks incredibly vulnerable as he takes the spray and rain - but the City is only 10 minutes or so away and on arrival he will have free access, where risk assessments will have taken place at every establishment he enters.

Perhaps he was able to keep motoring until recently - or maybe still does due to great thought, commitment and resources being deployed - from car conversions to financial help.

Contrast that with my second home in a small City in the Philippines. Total disregard for disability - all city pavements being raised - not even a single ramp. It`s not about money - it`s the prevailing mindset that it doesn`t matter.
I have a friend who owns a small bakery and a small engine drives a dough machine. The exhaust puffs out straight onto the bread - while a 2` addition to the pipe would redirect it.

You can see where Heath and Safety regulations come from when you consider that, as it was the same here a few decades back and car manufacturers thought nothing of harm to drivers or others in car design. Traffic just chokes the streets in Tacloban and it`s a free for all.
It`s pretty good, motoring in the UK - although the `negative feeding` personalities of many people cause the generation of tabloid rubbish that is eagerly lapped up as `truth`

The question is - can a 100 post thread be generated that`s entirely positive about UK motoring?

Edited by oilrag on 22/01/2010 at 12:42

Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - bell boy
good thing about motoring in britain is there arent local police in every town and city looking for an angle to stop and book you,you can literally drive to the north end of scotland and never see a police car
Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - Westpig
no corruption from (or needed to) officialdom
Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - movilogo
Roads are better than many places around the world.

Motorways are good with mostly 3 lanes. Many interstates in USA/Canada are just one lane!

Well placed road signs (mostly).

Cars(used) are cheaper compared to continental Europe.

Drivers are usually courteous and obey traffic rules.
Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - gmac
Night time driving. You can actually see the road light up in all its cat's eye glory. Good on you Percy Shaw.

Where I am now, I can drive at ridiculous speed and have nothing more than my headlights as a guide.
Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - harib
Obedience - Yep - people speed, but generally people don't drive on pavements, drive down one way streets the wrong way, lean on their horn, drive straight through red lights etc. etc.

I saw all that within 2 weeks in Tunisia!
Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - Andrew-T
Generally people don't drive on pavements ...

Interesting you should say that. Maybe they don't 'drive', in the sense of making a journey, but I would say that random parking on pavements has increased fairly noticeably in the last several years. To begin with it was two wheels on, and two in the road. Now almost anything goes, and sometimes walkers, especially with buggies, have to use the road to get past the vehicle occupying nearly all the walkway. Selfish thoughtlessness, that's all.
Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - Statistical outlier
Compared to Germany, we have no roadworks at all on our motorways, and the road surface is generally in excellent condition. My mate and I lost count somewhere in the mid 20's when we were returning from Munich on the northern route, we were quite stunned!
Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - tyro
Signposts are generally in English, unlike much of the rest of the world.

We usually have signposts at junctions in rural areas - unlike the Republic of Ireland. (similar to movilogo)

Gritting in winter weather better than the Republic of Ireland.

Fewer mimsers than the Republic of Ireland.

Our road surfaces are much better than those in the Republic of Ireland.

Our road surfaces are much, much, much better than most road surfaces in Africa (tinyurl.com/yh588da)

We are rarely stopped at police checkpoints compared to many parts of the world (as per bb)

Unlike in France, people don't squeeze into and out of parking spaces by 'nudging' other cars out of the way.

We have a lot less use of horns than in many parts of the world. (as per harib)

It is rare for petrol stations to run out of fuel or have massive queues.

As movilogo says, Motorists are generally courteous (at least if one is in Scotland!)

Lack of air-conditioning in a car isn't a big problem (at least it isn't if one is in the North of Scotland)

Edited by tyro on 22/01/2010 at 14:52

Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - Rob81
Used cars are generally cheaper here than other parts of the EU.

There are still quiet bits of the UK where it is possible to enjoy driving on uncrowded roads.
Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - CraigP
There are strong incentives to keep cars road worthy (laws, MOTs), as a result almost all other cars on the road tend to be maintained to an adequate level.

Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - madf
Where I live, people stop to let drivers exit from side roads.
Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - 1400ted

We have the finest mapping system in the world in the Ordnance Survey.
I've had local maps in Greece which bore no relation to anywhere you wanted to go.
The 1" to 1 mile maps can be read and enjoyed like a good book.
Who needs a satnav ?

Well done..them !

Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - ForumNeedsModerating
The subversive headlight flash to warn of up coming speed camera emplacement - this may happen in other countries though.

The way that icy English reserve gradually melts when you're in an aggravating & static traffic jam at that point where everyone seems to emerge from their vehicles & mingle.

Stopping at the junction of two ancient & long lost B-roads to check the map next to some equally ancient looking cast iron signposts - you suddenly realize how scenic & peaceful it is & decide to just bide-a-wee to absorb it all.

Finding an original A-road cafe with deep puddles in the enormous muddy parking area - and a full gut busting english breakfast on offer with 2 slices & mug of tea @ £4.25 (black pudding 25p extra).
Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - dimdip
The (relative) lack of engine revving at traffic lights. In some other countries the accepted custom is to rev the spuds off your taxi / moped / tuktuk / truck etc until the lights change. Vast amounts of pointless polution and noise...
Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - Andrew-T
We have the finest mapping system in the world in the Ordnance Survey.

Don't (quite) agree. Our OS is pretty good, but Swiss maps are works of art as well. Ours used to be, more than they are now IMO.
Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - FotheringtonThomas
We hardly ever have trouble with snow.
Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - Mick Snutz
You've only got to watch You Tube clips of traffic in Indian cities to realise how lucky we are in good ole Blighty.
Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - bristol01
It was mentioned above that UK road surfaces are better than those on the Contintent. In my experience this has not been the case, at least on Autoroutes/Autobahnen.

However, the roads in the UK do certainly seem to be a lot safer than those in the majority of countries on mainland Europe.

Happy weekend.
Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - Statistical outlier
I've driven to Munich from the UK several times, and to S France and Italy. The Autoroutes generally are a pleasure, and it's immense fun seeing how fast you can go on the Autobahn, but I have been really surprised at the poor quality of the road surface and sheer volume of roadworks in Germany.

It was especially bad on the Munich - Nurnburg - Frankfurt stretch, where almost constand roadworks turned the who section into a royal pain in the backside.

Compared to that, the three lanes of decent tarmac that is the norm in the UK is a real pleasure.

Also, much to my surprise, the speed camera enforced variable limits on the M42 have transformed the stretch S of Birmingham during rush hour. Well done them.
Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - CGNorwich
"sheer volume of roadworks in Germany"

German government has instigated a massive road renewal and repair program as part of its efforts to combat recession and reduce unemployment
Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - Old Navy
It was mentioned above that UK road surfaces are better than those on the Cont intent.

I have seen many roads in alpine areas of the continent with a surface that makes our roads look like something from the third world. And they survive weather conditions far worse than anything in the UK.
Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - Pugugly
We drive on the proper side (well most of the time)
Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - Statistical outlier
Well said PU, they may drive on the right, but we drive on the correct.
Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - woodster
I'm with Rob81 - plenty of roads where you can extend your chosen choice of transport with very little fear of um, interest from the authorities. Decent twisty roads too!
Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - OmNo
Sorry guys - the OP did say it should apply to the UK !!

I hardly recognise anything that people have stated if I'm honest.
The roads in the Midlands are terrible and full of pot holes.
In terms of having enough roads with little fear of interset - that may be true now but the government have now started rolling out a network of average speed cameras on urban roads so that will be short lived.
I agree that we do not have corruption form the authorities but we do have it with legalised clampers - and there are sufficient cameras for them to collect cash without corruption.
The only good thing is that you do not have many police on the roads pestering you as mentioned above because they are all to busy processing speed camera photos and staying warm in the office filling out forms.

Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - CraigP
they are all to busy processing speed camera photos and staying warm in the office filling out forms.

Or attending road traffic accidents in the pouring rain at 3am. Or even during rush hour where they are pretty efficient in my experience in Strathclyde.

I'm glad i've never had to clean up the aftermath of one of those, but they do it all the time.

Must be doubly frustrating as a traffic officer seeing bad driving... ?

EDIT: not my accident, i was just in the traffic that was stopped and was half watching, half trying to avoid seeing a mangled body...

Edited by CraigP on 22/01/2010 at 18:36

Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - OmNo
Point taken Craig - nothing against the coppers - I just struggle to understand a society that burdens our law enforcement with targets that subsequently lead to a form of corruption because when a policeman has to worry about not making enough arrests or making enough charges in a month he will clearly go for the easy stuff first.
I am saying the system is wrong.
Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - sandy56
I have driven all over Europe and USA, parts of the middle east, and the best parts of UK roads / UK driving are-let me think...
ignoring the middle east because like Ireland they are still getting used to a car as compared to a donkey/ camel etc,
a general habit of driving within the law,
some good behaviour, apart from BMW drivers,

thats it but then most of Europe has traffic problems as bad if not worse than us and they manage quite well, most of the time.

I think we are different, are we better? no I dont think so.
more ramblings,,
road surface generally is poor
if anything a lack of Police on the road.
great lack of good through roads A roads
some awful road/ junction design
a lot of old poorly maintained and uninsured cars( we can fix this but we dont, why not?)
Petrol prices WAY Too high- but hopefully we should be able to do something about that soon by voting, a brave new idea.
Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - TurboD
I think the US- outside cities- is a far more relaxed form of driving. UK is too frenetic nowadays.
Good point- to me is that no one else is on the M1 at 3 am, so that is when I go south.
Sadly, I have to come back when the traffic is a thick as molasses.
Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - oilrag
"I just struggle to understand a society that burdens our law"

The thread`s degenerating into negativity, isn`t it? - despite the title.

I thought it might be a chance to reverse the `general trend` and make us feel better about things - at least for the weekend.

Edited by oilrag on 22/01/2010 at 21:06

Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - theterranaut
I'm surprised that no-one has mentioned this: the scenery.

In the part of Scotland where I live, I'm a fairly short drive from some of the most breathtaking scenery in the UK. Half an hour in the car, for example, and I'm at the foot of Tinto Hill. An hour later I'm at the top, enjoying my sandwiches and the exercise and the feeling that you get on the tops of hills.

Thats just one example.
Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - Tomo
I'm surprised that no-one has mentioned this: the scenery.

It certainly adds to the fun of a good run, avoiding colliding with it!
Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - Statistical outlier
And the roads through that scenery!!

I rediscovered a rather fantastic video taken about 10 years ago from the passenger seat of my mate's Toyota Supra as we went over Hardknott pass in the mist. Was about the 6th time we'd been over that week (we were staying in Boot), and it was a brilliant car for that sort of road, you could just stay in 2nd and zoom up. Very atmospheric and exciting.

Happy days.
Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - corax
I thought it might be a chance to reverse the 'generel trend' and make us feel better about things - at least for the weekend.

Don't be silly, how would we be able to uphold the 'grumpy old men' banner?

Almost anywhere you go in the UK, there is always a friendly pub nearby to have a few jars of your favourite tipple.
Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - LikedDrivingOnce
On topic - We have the best car forums in the world.
Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - Avant
Sure, there's far more traffic on the roads than when I started driving (in 1965), and more regulations etc.

But I can still drive for miles - nowadays in a convertible - through country lanes barely 50 miles from London in Berks and Hants, and only ocasionally see another car.

Life's still worth living. I'm still with the late, great Lord Denning who said in a judgement that 'there are many things more important than money, and one of them is to live in England, still the envy of less happier lands'.

He was quoting Shakespeare but I'm sure he would have included the rest of the UK in this too.
Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - LikedDrivingOnce
Indeed - Cecil Rhodes said : "To be born English is to win first prize in the lottery of life."
If he had said "British", I would be inclined to agree with him.
Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - Statistical outlier
In terms of roads England is fantastic, but from my experience Wales and Scotland are even better. What's not to like?

(And that's from a Scot who has lived in England since I was five - I consider myself British)
Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - bell boy
i love mid wales
love the people and love the area
if i could live anywhere it would be there
best place in the world

after italy
Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - Geistak
Quality of diesel fuel (apparently)

I subscribe to a Malaysian forum devoted to the Chevrolet Captiva, and poor quality diesel appears to be the bane of their lives.

On the plus side, it has forced the importer to remove the DPF from the exhaust system ;)

Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - OmNo
Sorry guys I did change the thread somewhat being a bit grumpy yesterday - but having got up this morning I watched on the news how bad our roads are with potholes and need £10Bn spending on them, and the daily telegraph web site they are reporting that Spy planes developed by BAE and the UK police forces will be used to spy on motorists. Quote below:-
So as I say - enjoy the country roads without speed cameras while you can.

"But documents released under the Freedom of Information Act have revealed they will now be used for the ?routine? monitoring of anti-social motorists, protesters, agricultural thieves and fly tippers."

On a positive note, I think car prices are now reasonable and yes - we have the best country side and pubs in the world without a doubt.
Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - woodster
I wouldn't hold your breath on those 'spy planes'. Suffice to say I've considered them for an aspect of work. Loads of problems though: they can't be everywhere and no more chance of being in the right place at the right time than a person, weather dependant, images have to be processed and viewed and none of this takes away the remaining aspect of identifying drivers or individuals after whatever event is being looked at. I'm sure the makers can suggest how brilliant they are but they're hardly going to advertise the negative aspects. It'll be far more sporting and fun to take pot shots at them than bagging a speed cam though!
Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - dimdip
So in future, vehicles will need to have a third index plate stuck to the roof?
Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - Old Navy
So in future vehicles will need to have a third index plate stuck to the

And compulsory sunroofs.
Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - gordonbennet
And compulsory sunroofs.

And with any luck peaked caps will be banned too, that'll help prevent our people looking too American for comfort.;)
Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - Old Navy
I thought peaked caps were a pigeon and whippet thing.
Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - gmac
They don't have to be everywhere, from little acorns and all that.

Kent Police are in the driving seat at the moment according to the Grauniad.

On a positive note, at least all motoring related surveillance will be self funding and further growth possible with the data being sold on to private companies.
This is some backroomers ultimate dream.
Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - Pugugly
Meanwhile ont he positive note that Oilrag was trying to instill....The still open road - had to do a three hundred mile dash to mid-Wales on Tuesday along windy A and B roads - they were gloriously traffic free and the odd mimser I encountered was swiftly dispatched by the little Atstra 1.6 I was driving - a car perfectly suited to it's environment - I preferred it to the equivalent Focuses I drove over the last couple of years - maybe because it is the underdog - but to me the seats and suspension were far more suited to my personal taste - nice smooth petrol engine, nice gear change, good radio - a nice day out.
Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - DP
The SVA/IVA system, which allows small volume sportscar manufacturers to thrive in the UK, and allows literally anyone (with the ability) to design, build and register a car for legal use on the roads.

This is, I believe, pretty unique to the UK, certainly as far as Europe goes.

Edited by DP on 23/01/2010 at 11:58

Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - Dr Rubber
Speed Cameras are generally bright yellow and advertised not camoflaged and hidden.
Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - bell boy
half way there oily 50 posts
buts its a struggle isnt it
i wonder why

Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - oilrag
'scumbags & 'lowlIfe' thread got over 4,000 hIts though...........

Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - Pugugly
Speaks volumes Oilrag.
Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - pete&hisgolf
OK, I've got one: The way broken traffic lights bring out the best in people.

The ones at the local cross roads are broken today. People instinctively seem to know how natural justice applies in this situation - taking turns, waving one another through. Interesting that traffic flowed much much better too.
Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - CGNorwich
The availability of Ginsters pasties throughout the nation. No motorist need ever go hungry
Positive (only) aspects of UK motoring - Pugugly
Cracking winter ride today - 90 mile round trip, A class rurals, dual and some town work. Weather was sun, snow and spray - tucked up into a BMW Rallye2 suit - Alt Berg Boots, and heated grips kept me warm, ABS servo brakes kept me safe, a superb engine and chassis kept the endorphins spinning - superb trip, naughty speeds on the dual kept my protestant guilt glands working...sweet.