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Cam belt Change costs - pmh3
I had the cambelt changed on my 1997 1.25 16v Zetec engined Fiesta by a small local French garage, billed for 2.5 hrs labour (total 110?). Has anybody got the book time?

I thought that the book time was 3.5 hrs (with P/S), or is my memory failing? Rhetorical question, I know it is!

A good result, because otherwise the car would have been left in an airport carpark at 90?.

I supplied the Gates cambelt kit - which had been riding in the boot for the last 18 months as a guarantee that terminal failure would occur.
Cam belt Change costs - Dave_TD
As luck would have it, I asked my local Ford dealer about getting the cambelt changed on my 1997 Escort 1.8 Zetec-E this week. It was pulled up on-screen at 1.6 hours' labour at £106.00 plus the belt kit at £77.23 and the camshaft cover gasket at £12-odd, total with VAT was a reasonable £223. I'm almost tempted to get it done now ;-)
Cam belt Change costs - pmh3
Is this Escort 1.8 Zetec a derivative of the the same Yamaha engine?

I believe that Ford started using Zetec as a 'brand enhancement tool' after its original use as a name for for a specfic engine.

Edited by pmh3 on 05/12/2009 at 10:47

Cam belt Change costs - pmh3

It would appear that the mk1V 1.25 Fiesta version is a Zetec SE - a completely different engine?

Cam belt Change costs - Rattle
Yep completly different engine. The 1.8 Zetec is actually fairly similar to the CVH but with a 16 valve head.

Did they change the pullies too? Not sure if that applies to the 1.25 but I know on the 1.6 and 1.8 zetecs the pulleys can snap throwing of the cambelt.
Cam belt Change costs - pmh3
Rattle - complete Gates Kit - tensioner included.

Edited by pmh3 on 05/12/2009 at 11:52

Cam belt Change costs - Rattle
Pretty amazing price then, how much was the kit? I am guessing around £80?

My friend has been trying to sort out her clios cambelt which was due to snap in July but all the garages won't touch it for less than £300, it is just a 1.2 16v too. Maybe she needs to go to france.
Cam belt Change costs - pmh3
I paid about £50 - you can now buy (on line) Gates kits for £37+p&p!
Cam belt Change costs - pmh3
>>>According to the Wiki entry It would appear that the mk1V 1.25 Fiesta version is a Zetec SE - a completely different engine >>>>based on the Yamaha design ?

However now having had a look at the engine it is badged as Zetec S !

Am I correct in believing that the S was only used for a short time and the later 1.25 engines are different? This brings into question the veracity of the Wiki table!
Cam belt Change costs - DP
Am I correct in believing that the S was only used for a short time
and the later 1.25 engines are different?

The Zetec-SE engines (AKA Sigma engines) were badged as Zetec-S. They are one and the same engine and have come in 1.25, 1.4, 1.6 and 1.7 litre capacities (Puma only)

Any 16v Fiesta (that's not an XR2i or RS1800) will have a Zetec-SE of some flavour under the bonnet.

Cam belt Change costs - direct2000

Cam belt Change costs - Bill Payer

Crikey, they're cheap. Good marketing too, although their claim to be 100% cheaper than main dealers is typical small business maths!