Best way of selling a to max value but less hassle - Rattle
My dad had an accident last night (slipped on a pavement) and as a result is in hospital waiting for an operation. He broke his arm and shoulder (just like last time, just three years ago :( ).

Now I can't see him being able to drive for a few months like last time. Last time we SORNed his Escort and stuck it in my grandmas damp garage as a result it rusted to bits on the chasis and because it had not been driven for months just seazed up. We sold it for £146 with no MOT.

So this time we are thinking of selling his Fieata while it still has 8.5 months MOT. The problem is I don't want to sell it to a trader because we would get nothing for it, I would rather buy it myself for £200 or so and do it up. However I've seen a lot of similar cars (my dads is a top spec Ghia) for sale for around £800, if I stuck it in the private adds for £650 for quick sale would we just get lots of hassle?

We have sold lots of cars for spares on the private adds before, but this is the first time we are thniking of selling a working road legal car and I expect buyers might have more expectations. Maybe a good ebay add is the best way to go.

Finally does it always take months before being able to drive after a broken arm? If its just going to be a few weeks to recovery then we may as well leave the car ont he road.
Best way of selling a to max value but less hassle - daveyjp
Local ads, sign in window is probably a start. Scrappage has removed thousands of cars at the budget end so there is a demand.

As for time before driving again this depends on the break, how well it heels and how generous physio provision is in your area.

My mum broke her elbow when she fell on ice earlier this year. It was 6 months before she could drive again. Bad break, complications with the wires holding it together and a useless physio.
Best way of selling a to max value but less hassle - Rattle
Thats what I am worried about, 6 months is a disaster as my dad is self employed. Selling the car will help until Christmas. Last time my dad had a good physio. I really think an automatic will be better for him though, he has only just recovered properly after three years from his last break in the same arm.

I had to drive it back last night it is a bit clonky but drove fine. I might stick it on for £700 and just see how it goes, the irony is we only paid £850 for it over two years ago, but cars like this just haven't lost value.
Best way of selling a to max value but less hassle - WorkshopTech
This is any easy one.
Autotrader - cars under £1000 are 2 weeks for £9.99 on the web. The market is very active at this price level.
If its a decent car then describe it fully, along with reason for sale and put it in for £950 ono. Give a mobile number you keep with you all the time (I have an old phone with a SIM just for this purpose, not my regular mobile). You'll get loads of calls so stay firmish on the price and let is go for £850. (I'm assuming its a proper car and not a dog).
Give a receipt (with copy for you to keep) giving date and TIME of collection of car.
When car is sold, put a recorded message to that effect on the mobile and turn it off. Delete ad from the web.

Edited by WorkshopTech on 04/12/2009 at 13:58

Best way of selling a to max value but less hassle - Rattle
There are faults with it, but its 12-13 year old. The chasis is solid, no rust at all but one of the arches is rusting, not an MOT issue for a good year or so yet though. Its had about £600 worth of suspension work done since we have owned it, but it is still a bit clonky, the back axle bushes really need sorting but it wasn't an MOT advisory.

Engine, gearbox, clutch and brakes all work perfectly.

Its reliable but its not a genuine car either, the dirvers door has never quite shut properly without slamming it which suggests it has been in an accident some time in its life. I would not be happy selling it as a perfect car, I was thinking £600-£700 and selling it as a road legal car with a couple of more years life in it but with some niggles.
Best way of selling a to max value but less hassle - Pondlife
When I used autotrader about five years ago, I was inundated with calls from a scam outfit that "had people interested in my car". They were very persistent, and it rather put me off using autotrader.

Is this still a problem, or have these scammers stopped now?
Best way of selling a to max value but less hassle - WorkshopTech
When I used autotrader about five years ago I was inundated with calls from a
scam outfit that "had people interested in my car". They were very persistent and it
rather put me off using autotrader.
Is this still a problem or have these scammers stopped now?

No they have not stopped, and you might get a couple of these calls, but in general they are not interested in the sub-£1000 cars since the sellers of such cars are not usually interested in forking out £80+ to go on a database. There are richer picking further up the price range.
My experience of selling a lot of sub-£1000 cars on Autotrader is that they go very quickly (day or two).
Best way of selling a to max value but less hassle - Altea Ego
>Finally does it always take months before being able to drive after a broken arm?

It depends on the break, which arm, and how its been imobilised. I broke my right elbow (. It wasnt imobilised) and I was driving in 4 weeks.

I broke my left ankle abroad, and after driving the car car home for 1000 miles, it was plastered, then in a weight bearing boot, and I didnt drive for 6 weeks.

The current thinking with fractures is to obtain as much mobility and exercise as soon as possible. The consultant I had with the elbow said "I dont care how much it hurts, move it or loose it"

Edited by Altea Ego on 04/12/2009 at 14:11

Best way of selling a to max value but less hassle - BobbyG
Rattle, I admire your thinking process if this was your first thought whilst your dad is in hospital waiting treatment!!

My tuppence worth - does your dad need a car for work? You say he is self employed and selling the car may help in the short time, but what will he use to buy a car when fit again?
Would he be looking for the same sort of car - is it not maybe better the devil you know at that price?
Best way of selling a to max value but less hassle - Lud
I would agree with Bobby there.

While Rattle's dad is hors de combat, Rattle can keep the motor alive by driving it at least once a week for an hour or so. Perhaps he can get those rear suspension bushes seen to at the same time.

Think of it Rattolo: a two-car Rattle! The grandeur and luxury of it! It may seem a nuisance but one does owe one's parents a bit of help from time to time.
Best way of selling a to max value but less hassle - Rattle
Keeping it is the best way, its just insurance is like £40 a month and when my parents income has now stopped that is £40 too much. For this week at least I will just drive it round the block a couple of times. It is very different to my car though its a lot more sensitive but slower at the same time, it is an odd sensation. The brakes feel very hard as well compared to mine.

Been to see my dad today, reckons will be a few days (last time he was in for 8 days). He can't move his arm at all and even the person next to him on the ward told said to us he has been in severe pain all night, so it dosn't look good :(

He is having the operation tomorrow.

I told him a simple solution to all this is to stop breaking his arm! I actually joined this site when my dad was recovering from his last break and couldn't drive hence I boguht a car and drove it under L plates. Nothing in law to say the supervising passanger as to be fit to drive!

Edited by Rattle on 04/12/2009 at 17:40

Best way of selling a to max value but less hassle - Lud
I hope he recovers soon without too much more discomfort Rattle. Do your best to hold the fort while he's laid up. He will need your help.
Best way of selling a to max value but less hassle - Rattle
Yeah been taking my mother to see him its not a nice area though and have to park my car in the middle of gangland. At least this time we have a car (I didn't have a licence last time) which should make it easier

Best way of selling a to max value but less hassle - zookeeper
Finally does it always take months before being able to drive after a broken arm?

hint: ask a close relative....simples
Best way of selling a to max value but less hassle - Rattle
As I said took 6 months last time but that wasn't typical, that break was so bad he wasn't even concious and we had to get an ambulance. This time I was able to drive him to A&E and he seemed to be fairly aware of what was going on. He is a lot worse today than he was yesterday.
Best way of selling a to max value but less hassle - andyp
I too would advise you not to rush into selling it until you have a clearer idea of how long your dad won't be able to drive. If you do go decide that it has to go, given the type of car and the price etc i would try the for sale notice in the window/newsagent window approach first before turning to ebay or Autotrader etc.
I hope your dad makes a speedy recovery, i have been self employed and know how difficult it can be when you are unable to work.

Best way of selling a to max value but less hassle - rtj70
Here's wishing him a speedy recovery.

Even if this takes a fair few weeks to recover, when he needs to get back to work won't he need a car? And getting a cheapish one might be difficult. There may also be penalties for cancelling insurance - it depends on the company and policy.

At £40pm, I'd be trying to cover that and keep the car until he's better. I'd also not sell it before knowing how bad it is. Depending on how and where broken he might recover a lot quicker this time.
Best way of selling a to max value but less hassle - Bagpuss
When I broke my wrist I was driving again after 4 weeks. As mentioned above, I was told to use the arm as much as possible. The plaster coming off after 3 months was a life changing experience as the muscles had wasted away so much I could wrap my fingers completely around my arm.

My experience of selling a car in the sub 1500 quid price bracket is that it is a thankless experience and more difficult than selling a car for over 20 grand. People buying bangers frequently have expectations that are impossible to fulfill, presumably because that grand or so is a lot of money for them.
Best way of selling a to max value but less hassle - Rattle
I think its more a case of if he will need one or not. At the moment I think we will keep it and I will just drive it once a week to ensure it carries on working, the main problem last time was nobody could drive the Escort so it didn't even get started for 6 months.

On the plus side the gear change on his car is very light so it dosn't require much force.
Best way of selling a to max value but less hassle - Lud
Don't just go round the block Rattle. That will do more harm than good. You don't have to rag it, but a brisk run to Southport or Liverpool and back will do it good.
Best way of selling a to max value but less hassle - Dave_TD
If you're going to sell it Rattle, put it on Gumtree. Free to post, simple to edit and delete your ad, you've got nothing to lose. eBay IIRC charges £8.00 to list a car and another £20.00 if it sells, flat rates these days. Whichever one you go for, I find a wordy description best - list the car's remaining tax, test and mileage then put the main features, after that list any problems. Be objective, don't make it sound like a death trap but don't over-praise it either. Give it a wash and hoover before you take the photos.

FWIW I fractured my left radius a few years back, at the time my job was taxi driving so it put me out of action for a while. I was only 31 so it healed reasonably quickly, although the hospital consultant did my self-confidence no end of damage when he started his diagnosis with "If you were ten years younger, of course..." It took me two weeks to be able to reach the gear lever, four to be able to (painfully) engage every gear, and another two months of progress before I could use it fully as before. It still throbs a bit these days after about 4 hours' driving.

I (and, I imagine, the rest of the Back Room) wish your dad a speedy and uncomplicated recovery.

Edited by Dave_TD {P} on 05/12/2009 at 00:31

Best way of selling a to max value but less hassle - perro
Sorry to hear about your dad Rattle, if its his left arm, he will be back behind the wheel a lot quicker than if its his right one.
Re: auto gearbox, I can (and have ) driven with one arm before now + of course I only use one of my three legs.
Good Luck to him comrade.