Got one coming as a pool car for a few months.
Any experiences?
Edited by rtj70 on 03/10/2009 at 10:59
No, but "result" really !
"Ees bin s'ad up fer speedin' in er ?!"
Edited by Humph Backbridge on 02/10/2009 at 22:37
They (Cooper S) go like stink - very sharp in every respect like a gokart! Bit too uncomfortable for me - rock hard suspension so you feel every bump but as a fun car probably unbeatable - but best sampled on a race track (R56)!
But haven't you mentioned several different models in the thread title? Mini, MiniCooper, Cooper S and R56? There are some significant differences! Or maybe I have had too much red stuff and have got the wrong end of the wouldn't be the first time!
But haven't you mentioned several different models in the thread title? Mini MiniCooper Cooper S and R56?
That is this site's classification, perhaps I should have left that blank to avoid confusion.
Amended the thread to remove any confusion.
Sounds like a fun car for a few months.