01 1.8 O/S drive shaft bearing - DaveT
Got a 51 reg courier van (fiesta) with a rumble on the O/S drivers side drive shaft,it's the bearing that's bolted to the engine. Can I repalce the bearing or do I have to replace the entire shaft?? I'm driving the van over to the south of Spain and this is very annoying as it's causing bad wheel wobble and vibration. Had it checked and it's defo the bearing. Forgot to mention, this van is a 1.8 TD.

Edited by Dynamic Dave on 30/08/2009 at 00:55

51 1.8 O/S drive shaft bearing - Peter.N.
Don't really know about the Ford as I have never had to replace one, I would think you could just replace the bearing although it would probably be easier to replace the whole shaft. You should be able to get one from the scrappie if they are expensive new.